Does he need another year?

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Drakons eyes fluttered open. As his eyes opened he saw the white ceiling overhead. 'That's right. I'm still in this place. It's been five months since I came in here. Or was it six... It's so hard to keep track of the time in this place'.  Drakon slowly sat up in the bed and looked around. Same small room connected to the same white endless abyss. He stood up and quickly showered and threw his training clothes on. They were starting to show just how work they were with several holes in them. He walked to the edge of the white, paused, and took a breath. He turned around a saw a clock. It had moved a few hours since he last saw it. "He said one twenty-four hours..." he started to do the math in his head. "So I've been here for.. nine and a half time sure has flown by" he paused and turned around again and stepped out into the white. He felt the weight strain on his body again, but it was much easier to move now. He was able to punch, kick, and jump at least. He attempted to fly but discovered quickly that it wasn't an easy task. He was only able to get a few feet or so off the ground before falling back down again. "Two and a half months left and I can barely fly." He sighed but continued to move about like he would normally.

[Outside the Time Chamber]
Goku sat patiently in a meditative position waiting for Drakon. "It should only be an hour or so before his first year is up" Mr Popo mentioned. Goku groaned. "It's so hard to wait. I just know hell be a lot stronger when he comes out. My hopes are that he's stronger than myself and Gohan." After about an hour of waiting Goku stood up. "Any minute now"

[ Back inside the chamber ]

Drakon looked at the clock again. He had about an hour before it was time to meet with Goku. He decided to take a quick step outside and test the gravity one last time. As he stepped out he felt his clothes get heavier. He looked at his hand and tightened it into a fist. He could feel the strain but it wasn't affecting him like it had a year ago. He was stronger. A lot stronger. He could feel it. He didn't know that it was one hundred times instead of only ten times. He threw saves punches and kicks and did a backflip before flying into the air. He was able to fly with ease. He smiled. "Time to go meet up with Goku." He landed and walked towards the door. He grabbed the handle, opened the door and walked outside. He almost floated away. His body felt so much lighter. He was finally realizing just how much the gravity did for him. He walked straight and eventually saw Goku standing with his hands on his hips. It felt like forever since he last saw him. A year had passed for him. But only a day for everyone else. He smiled and waved at Goku who waved back. "Hey Drakon!" "Goku!" He smiled and walked up to Goku. "Ready for that spar?" Drakon nodded. "You bet I am it's been a year with no social interaction. I almost went mad!" He laughed and took a few steps back. 'It's insane. His power is all over the place. He went through madness by himself. No one is ever gone in by themself. Yet he just shrugged it off and laughed. This guy is insane' Goku thought to himself. He adopted his signature stance of one had tucked into his abdomen and one outstretched in front of him. "Go all out Drakon. Show me what you got!" Drakon nodded and squared his shoulders and stance towards Goku. Goku tightened his fist. He had been sensing Drakons energy when it suddenly disappeared. Drakon took a deep breath and closed his eyes. The truth was..Drakon didn't go insane because of his mental discipline. He had accidently let his power go free when he walked out of the chamber. "Your energy control is amazing. How did you get it like that so fast?" Drakon smiled. "I had to relearn how to fly in the gravity. I was ten times heavier so I had to learn to generate ten times the power." Goku grinned and thought to himself 'which means he won't know how to hold back. His body thinks it adjusted to ten...not one hundred ' Mr Popo raised his hand. "First to land a hit wins. Start" Drakon vanished. Gokus eyes widened. "What?" Suddenly he felt energy closing in but he couldn't tell from where. The energy was everywhere. Was Drakon really moving that fast? Suddenly Drakon appeared in front of Goku who then backflipped and landed about ten feet away. He then rushed forward and Drakon disappeared again. Goku stopped and tried searching for his energy again. He opened his eyes wide and caught and elbow inches from his nose. He threw it away and barely managed to block a kick to the midsection. Goku swung his left arm out and felt a tremendously strong force stop then throw it back. He still couldn't see Drakon at all. He was moving to fast for his eyes to see. Goku needed to get moving if he wanted to win. He put two fingers to his forehead and disappeared a moment before Drakons fist hit him... He fell to the ground and scrambled to a knee searching for Goku. 'Has he been holding back tbis entire time?! He's so fast. Where'd he go?' Suddenly his thoughts were interrupted by a foot inches from his face he ducked barely avoiding it then jumped when a fist met his face sending his crashing to the ground. Upon impact he slowly stood up and Goku appeared in front of him. "Wow you've gotten a lot stronger. Why didn't you transform? You could have won." Drakon closed his eyes and lowered his gaze. "Because I still can't." Goku smiled and put a hand on his shoulder. "Then you don't need another year. Your as strong as your gonna get without super saiyan. You'll only hurt yourself at this point" 'and anyone that tries to train with you'. Drakon looked up at Goku smiling at him.

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