The Warrior Within

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Drakon and Cell stood opposite each other. Both breathing hard. Barely able to stand. Drakons body was trembling. The Kaioken had drained his stamina. Cell was just as drained. Countless regeneration of body parts had taken a toll. Both warriors were running out of steam quickly. Drakon gritted his teeth. After everything, he still couldn't win. Copying Gokus abilities had been a double edged sword. Cell straightened up and grinned. Drakon raised an eyebrow. "What?" "You don't understand how much I'm loving this. I can hear the broken bones in your body. You have pushed yourself so hard to beat me but it wasn't enough. Take pride in knowing you came this far. But your journey ends here." Cell raised a hand and fired several bolts of energy at Drakon who barely managed to move out of the way in time. ' he's bluffing. He can't have that much left. He's firing without care. He knows I can't win. But he can't win either. We're both at the end of our ropes. I have to think of something fast.' Drakon launched himself at Cell who retaliated by launching himself as well. They collided and locked hands in a grapple match. Cell began pushing Drakon back. He laughed. "Give it up Drakon. You can't win." Drakon leaned back and kicked Cell in the face but then fell to the ground just as Cell did. Cell laughed. Drakon picked himself up to a knee. He was running on fumes. He gritted his teeth. 'Is this really the extent of my strength?! Is this all I am?! Damn it! Come on! Get up! Fight! Win!' He strained and stood up and walked his fists and began to tremble. "Come on body. Don't give out yet!" Cell stood up and kicked Drakon and sent him flying into a nearby boulder. He collided and fell to the ground on his hands and knees. He dug his fingers into the ground and sweat and blood dripped from his body and face. "Time to die Drakon. I'll admit. You had me worried for a while there. But face it kid. You lose." He raised a hand. 'NO. MOVE. COME ON BODY MOVE!! NO IT CAN'T END LIKE THIS!!!' Drakons aura exploded and knocked Cell back. His energy flashed and lashed out. He felt his body explode with energy he has never felt before. A whole surge of power like never before. His hair began to rise and flow but there was no wind. His aura got brighter. His hair turning lighter shades. Light itself seemed to emit from Drakons body. He stood and screamed while tightening his fists. His hair rose and rested in an odd position while turning golden. His eyes became a bright blue and his aura became a bright golden light. He stopped his scream and looked at Cell who backed away. Goku and the other saiyans watched as Drakon became the newest addition. Drakon was a super saiyan. He looked down at his hands and flexed. He felt alive. Like he had just eaten ten senzu beans at once. His energy had returned. He had finally attained the legendary power of the super saiyan. He turned his attention to Cell who looked on in anger and hatred. "What? You were on the brink of death just then. Where did this power come from?" Cell knew the tables had turned. He needed energy and fast. He rushed Drakon and out him in a headlock and his tail lashed around and stabbed into Drakons chest. Drakon sighed. "Go ahead. Take whatever you need." He grinned darkly. "So when I kill you you can't complain. " Cell continued absorbing energy from Drakons body. It seemed like the pool would never run dry. Cell gasped as he felt a sudden pain. Drakon was gone and so was his tail. Drakon stood roughly ten yards away with cell's tail hanging from his chest. "I've changed my mind. I won't give you the chance. " he closed his eyes and his aura disappeared. "There. Now I won't accidentally slip out if this form. You can thank Goku for that." He walked over to Cell who trembled in rage. "You don't understand it. This power. It scares you. There's nothing you can do to stop me now. I'm going to kill you. No matter what." Cell began to puff himself up. "Fine then I'll just take you all with me." Drakon raised a fist. "I wouldn't do that. If I lose consciousness for even a second my body explodes." Drakon grinned. "That's fine" He punched Cell in the stomach. Cell doubled over holding his stomach and after stumbling a few steps fell to his knees and began to gag. His stomach bulged out as he gagged and finally threw up. But when he did android 18s body hit the ground in front of him. Everyone gasped in shock. He stood up and stepped backwards. "DAMN YOU. YOU STUPID MONKEY!!" light flashed around him and he groaned as his body changed back to his previous form. Drakon cocked his head to the side. "What the hell?" Krillin rushed over and grabbed the androids body and flew back over. "Don't give him the chance to absorb her again." Drakon nodded. Without 18 he couldn't maintain his perfect form. He quickly puffed himself up again this time much larger. "I'm done playing around!" Drakon turned back to him and rolled his eyes. Goku put his hand on Gohans shoulder. "Son. I need you to take care of your mother for me." He removed his hand then appeared in front of Drakon. "Don't worry. I have an idea I'll take care of him." Drakon nodded. "I'm sorry I couldn't stop him in time." Goku smiled. "Don't worry. I know you're gonna do great things. You finally did it. You're a super saiyan now." With that Goku put a hand on Cells body then two fingers to his own forehead. "Gohan be good. Do your schoolwork. Keep your room clean. Listen to your mother. I love you son." Goku and Cell disappeared. Gohan began to cry. "FATHER NOOOOO!!" he dropped to his knees and cried as his father disappeared undoubtedly dying with Cell. Piccolo grabbed Gohan. "You're father didn't die in vain. He took that monster with him." Everyone looked at Drakon, who stood frozen. "It's all my fault...i could ha-....i should have taken his place. It's my fault he died with..." He became too choked up to finish. He tightened his fists in anger as the tears trickled down his face. Silence fell amongst the group.

Meanwhile on King Kai's planet

"GOKU WHYD YOU BRING HIM HERE?!" Goku stood beside Cell. "I'm sorry king Kai I couldn't think of anywhere else to bring him" Cell gasped. "NOOOOOO" His body exploded engulfing the planet. Thus killing himself, Goku and King Kai.

Back on Earth
The Z fighters stood in shock and silence. Goku had sacrificed himself so that the Earth would survive. Everyone gathered closely to mourn. Gohan looked up at Drakon with tears in his eyes but Drakon didn't power down. Something in his gut told him it wasn't over. Seemingly on cue to Drakons feelings a flash of light and energy rushed through and struck out hitting Trunks and left a gaping hole in his chest. Trunks fall and Tien caught him. Drakon stared in shock as  Cell appeared before him. Cell smiled as he was now in perfect fighting form and completely restored. He struck at Drakon who barely managed to move in time. "You were a sad beaten.....thing....not five minutes ago. What happened??" Cell grinned and raised his arms for combat. "I have my saiyan cells to thank for that. It won't be so easy to take me down this time you filthy ape"

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