The Call

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We talked on Skype by message for a few more weeks. I learned that he was 17. I was very aoibhneas (delighted) to know that he was one year older than me. He lived in Oklahoma. He's really far away from me. One day he asked me if we could video chat. I never really thought I would get to see him. But once I answered the call. I thought my eyes were tricking me. He was the most handsome boy I've ever seen.

He had the kind of face that stopped you in your tracks. His eyes were the green of fresh dew glinting in the sunlight off a leaf, framed by graceful brows. His hair glistened in the light of his bedroom. His smile made me weak the knees. His lips were pale and thin. His nose was like a button. I swear I could of stared at him forever. He didn't look like any of the boys here in Ireland. My thoughts were interrupted when his soothing and soft voice spoke.
"You have very beautiful eyes." He said and smiled.
I thought I was going to melt in my chair. I was speechless. He took my breath away. He laughed and asked,
"Are you going to stare at me all day? I'm not all that great."
But he was. He was amazing. I cleared my throat.
"Hi Matt."

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