More Unexpected Surprises

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I ran to my room and opened the door. My dad looked at me.

"What's wrong? It looks like you've been crying." my dad said with worried eyes.

I was smiling. Smiling so hard that it made my cheeks hurt. I handed the plane tickets to my dad. He looked at me and then to Matt. I think Matt saw the plane tickets because he was smiling shyly. My dad nodded and I gave him a hug.

"But Taylor," he said, "you need to get your grades up and talk to your mother about it. Even if she says no. I'll let you go. But you just need to let her know."

I nodded and smiled brightly. I was so happy I wasn't thinking when I dialed Arrietty to tell her that I was going to see Matt.

"Hello?" Arrietty said.

I didn't know what to say.

"Hi Arrietty. I know you may not really like me at the moment but I have something to tell you."

I heard movement on the other side.

"What is it?" she said annoyingly.

And I told her. I didn't care if she would get mad at me or hate me for the rest of my life. I don't really know what I was thinking in that moment.

Once I was done there was an awkward silence.

"You know what Taylor, I'm happy for you. You and Matt are made for each other. I hope you guys stay together forever. I was being a horrible friend and I apologize. I have to go now, but I hope you guys are happy together. Bye."

Then there was a silence.

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