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I was so mad. Why did Arrietty tell my mother? She promised she wouldn't.
My voice because hard and mean.
    "You told me Americans were filthy and horrible people," I choked on my words, "you never told me about the good people. Matt is an amazing person. He's not what you said Americans were at all. He's loving and caring. I know I can't be with him now, but that doesn't mean in the future we can't. I love him. With everything I have. I don't care what you do to me, just don't take me away from him."
My mother's eyes were locked in mine, her mascara running down her face like dark clouds crying. She got up and went to my room. I didn't get up, I was too weak.
She came back with my computer and I cried more.
    "I don't care." she said in horrible voice. She went and put the computer in her room.
    "I don't approve of him, Taylor."
Anger rose inside of me.
    "You never even met him! You don't know how I really feel about him because you are always gone! No wonder dad left us. No, not us. You."
    I ran to my room and slammed my door. I screamed and cried.
My phone began to ring but I didn't pick it up. Once it stopped ringing I looked to see who it was. Arrietty.

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