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I heard my dad's muffled voice through our paper thin walls. I was starving so I made a sandwich. I heard dad laugh loudly and it made me jump. I hope that he likes Matt. I heard the doorbell ring.
    "I'll get it!" I yelled towards my bedroom.
I quickly scurried to the door with my sandwich in my mouth and opened. It was the mailman.
    "Good evening Taylor. Nice seeing you."
I took my sandwich out of my mouth. I always had a nice conversation with him.
    "Good evening Castiel. Do you have something for my mum?" I said wiping crumbs from my lips.
    "No actually. I have a letter for you. It's from America. Your mother sure doesn't like America. I wonder what it could be."
I knew exactly who it was from. He handed it to me and I gently took it from his hands and looked at the writing. His handwriting. I traced over the letters with my fingertips.
    "You seem happy. It was nice seeing you again. See you Monday." Cas said walking away. I waved.

    I closed the door and locked it. I looked down at the envelope. I gently opened it, trying not to ruin it. There was a piece of paper and I slowly took it out of the envelope.
Some papers fell out but I didn't notice. I was taken away by what I saw written in the letter.
    "If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together. There is something you must always remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we're apart, you are always here in my heart." ~ A. A Milne, Winnie The Pooh.

    Tears came to my eyes. I couldn't tell if they were happy tears or sad tears.
I wiped them away and folded the letter back to how it was, then carefully slid it back into the envelope. I walked back to my room but something got stuck on my foot.
I lifted my foot up and took what I had stepped on off and looked at it. My body froze.
I didn't realize what this meant for me and Matt. It was plane tickets.

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