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Crack! The sound filled the space around me wiping away the yelling voices that swirled around me head.

I heard the shrill voice of my mother telling me how I'd never amount to anything that my sister was so much better than me even if I made better grades.

I heard the voices of the kids who bullied me everyday shouting harsh words and insults.

And I heard my sister's voice as she complained about how hard her life was even though she got everything she wanted and had a gorgeous boyfriend.

The only voice I couldn't hear was my own I started to run the bases another home run I should be proud but I couldn't feel anything aside from the adrenaline of running to home plate at full speed.

As I ran blocking out voices of ridicule I focused on the voices of support from my team and from Johnathan Harris a tall blonde hair blue eyed country troublemaker.

Johnathan was smart, talented, funny and sweetly childish the only problem being that he was my older sister Niki's boyfriend.

I hit home plate just as the clock ran out signaling we'd won the game.

I was the only girl in a team full of boys but they were all more like brothers to me we were a family protecting and looking out for each other my team Johnathan and Coach were really the only people who cared and looked out for me but don't get me wrong my sister Niki loved me but just in her own special way.

There were nine people on our team including me there was Daniel, Derek, Lucas, Connor, Ethan, Tony, Walt, Simon and last but not least me Coach Henry treated us all like his own kids well at least how I assume an actual parent would treat their kids.

I was always the last to leave after practice and games and I sighed knowing I'd stayed way past long enough and texted my sister.

Katie: Games over we won...come get me?

Niki: Sure but I'm bringing Johnathan

Katie: Wouldn't expect any less from you sis

Niki: Lol yeah be there in 5

Katie: Okay ill be here

I hit the showers and changed then went out front to wait Niki came right on time as always.

Niki and Johnathan made small talk every now and then one of them asking for details about tonight's game until Niki pulled up in front of our house and dropped me off "Tell mom I'm staying over at John's place tonight Kat" I nodded my reply as dread filled me at being home.

I crept in silently to avoid my mother jeering and lucky for me she was drunk passed out on the couch.

I entered my room locking my door and flopping on my bed I let myself slip into a peaceful sleep.

Sleep full of hopeful dreams where I had Johnathan not my snobby sister where I was outgoing and fun where I was a kid my parents could be proud of.

Then maybe dad would come back and mom wouldn't hate me anymore just maybe if I was loved I could learn to love myself.

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