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I woke up to a pounding on my door "Get up you waste of space" I instantly recognized my mother's voice through the pounding on the door. I sighed and rolled out of bed another lovely start to what I assume will be another tragically degrading day.

I got dressed in dark skinny jeans and a simple black and white band shirt and ran downstairs to see Jonathan's car in our drive. Guess he was taking Niki to school I entered the kitchen to see Joan sitting on a barstool fixing me with a forceful glare well ditto bitch.

I had out the milk for cereal I was starving since I hadn't eaten after practice and just wanted to have a decent breakfast I was just about to pour the last of the milk in my bowl when Jonathan took it and chugged what was left my stomach clenched in pain at the emptiness I knew he was just playing but I was stiff from practice tired and now on the third day without anything to eat.

I sighed completely worn out with everything and started my walk to school I had to start early since school was a good forty-five minutes away and the bell rung at 7:30 so that ment I had to get up at 6:00 to be ready and at school on time the bell rung as I was walking onto school grounds and I had to run to class just to get a tardy slip I flopped into my usual seat in the back on the verge of tears from the pain of my stiff body and from the pain of my hunger.

I pulled my hoodie out of my bag throwing it on feeling worn out and weak I rested my head on the desk to hide my pain from those nearest me that was the one thing I'd always be good at hiding from the world a world that according to Joan would be better without me in it.

" Hey" hmm I looked over to see a kid I never noticed before and I was very observant so that was saying something umm hi I responded numbly if I didn't feel so sick from hunger I might have held a more cheerful disposition but I was finding my usual whimsy much to strenuous at this point in time.

The boy cracked a smile and handed me a pop tart "Here you look like you could use a pick me up" it was chocolate caramel and me being the starving athlete I was devoured it ravenously.

I smiled back at the kid full force feeling a little better then I had earlier now that I'd eaten something thanks I needed that .....I trailed off not knowing his name "Bryant" he smiled shyly.

"Its okay people never remember my name or me really not that I'm saying you'd forget or that you'd do it on purpose that is" he choked out " I just mean I'm not all that memorable and your beautiful so I mean".... It's cool I said cutting him off laughing a little Bryant its a nice name and I will definitely remember it and you okay?

I meant to say it as a statement but it came out as a question to which he just nodded blushing and turned away but somewhere in the back of my mind I couldn't help but think if I would have taken my milk back from Johnathan I would probably never have noticed Bryant because he wouldn't have had a reason to talk to me but really what's love got to do with it.

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