CH 6

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Katie's POV

I was in pain but my internal suffering numbed my external injury I sat on the bench head in my hands Johnathan was supposed to be here to take me home but after today events he was the last person I wanted to see. I was still sitting there feeling sorry for myself when a hand lightly pressed on my shoulder "Hey let's get out of here" I looked up slightly stunned there stood Bryant "I thought you had left" he shook his head slightly and raised a brow "what kind of friend would it make me if I did that" I smiled despite my inner turmoil and followed him to his truck "where are we going" he smirked as we drove off "no idea" I smiled as we drove around no real destination in mind just drifting suddenly the days exhaustion hit me and I fell asleep on Bryant's shoulder the smile never leaving my face.

Joan sneered as I entered taking in my wrapped wrist. Bryant had dropped me at home early the next morning he had let me crash on his couch since I refused to wake up after I fell asleep in his car he lived alone which for me would be awesome but I couldn't help feel bad for Bryant he was always alone.

Joan smirked evilly "Get hurt at practice did we" her sickly sweet voice snapping me out of my thoughts "Your even useless at sports" she said yanking hard on my injured arm I didn't react to the pain I didn't even feel it this only served to upset Joan further as she painfully twisted my arm in new ways until the pain was to much and I winced grunting my disapproval she then grinned wider satisfied with herself letting go of my arm "This better not hinder you from getting your chores done you repugnant waste of space,  you mistake, you curse from God, how I wish you'd ran down my legs instead of being born and ruining my life" I said nothing as she ranted on as I went to my room that night and pulled out my lucky camo knife laughing dryly as I ran my finger along the blade I sharpened my knives every weekend but this is the first time I've ever thought of using it for anything other the hunting or emergency self defense I looked at the small cut on my finger not even feeling it not feeling anything and I closed my knife as I drifted into a troubled sleep not noticing the silent tears that poured down my cheeks as my mind became empty.

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