1: Emma

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"Please eat your food." I begged.

Little seven year old Tavvy shook his brown haired head at me, refusing to eat his broccoli.

I sighed. "Please Tavvy, otherwise Julian won't be very happy with you."

He only shook his head again.

"How do you expect to be a big and strong Shadowhunter, like Jules and Mark?" I asked.

"I'm not going to eat it. It's gross." Tavvy said stubbornly.

I only sighed and shook my head, and then I heard someone walk into the kitchen. I raised my head to see Mark. He was wearing a white t-shirt, and jeans, his platinum blonde hair neat. Mark was adjusting well to life back at home, though there was something bothering him. I could tell. It was something with Cristina.

"Not having much luck, are you?" Mark grinned, gesturing to his younger brother.

I sighed. "I'm not cut out for this babysitting thing."

I had promised Julian I would watch Tavvy, while he was out with Diego. They were going to go check on the convergence, and I had thought it was best that I didn't go. Things were very awkward between the two of us, ever since I had told him that I didn't love him like that. We had barely spoken since, and it was horrible. I still hadn't told him what Jem had told me about the Parabatai curse.

"Where's the rest of them?" Mark asked.

"Livvy and Dru are training, Cristina's helping them." At Cristina's name, he paled. "And I have no idea where Ty is."

"He's still angry with me. I do not know how to make him happy again. In Faerie, we did not fight like this." Mark sighed.

He still talked about Faerie quite often, but it was getting better.

"Give him time. He'll come around." I said.

"Do you think Julian will let him go to the Scholomance?" Mark asked.

I sighed. "I don't know. I know that Jules would do anything for any of you guys, but I think he's too worried for Ty to let him go. He knows what they'd do to him. Not to mention how broken Livvy would feel."

"How broken I would feel about what?" Livvy asked, walking into the kitchen.

Behind her, trailed Dru and Cristina, all wearing black gear. Mark's eyes studied Cristina for a moment, and then quickly looked away. Cristina watched him, looking as if she wanted to say something, but decided against it.

"If Ty went to the Scholomance." I frowned slightly.

Livvy stopped walking, freezing. "I couldn't never live without him for that long."

"You know that he really wants to go, Liv." Dru frowned.

Livvy only remained silent, not seeming to even want to think of it. My heart went out to her. I couldn't even bear the thought of being parted from Julian. Seeing her so upset, Cristina changed the subject.

"When are Julian and Diego coming back?" She asked.

"Soon." I said. "They just wanted to make sure nothing had changed."

"Do you believe it was Malcolm who was behind it all?" Livvy said. "Innocent and forgetful, Malcolm."

"Magnus and Tessa couldn't believe it." I stated.

"It's always the person you least expect." Said Ty, who had just entered the kitchen. "I learned that from Sherlock Holmes."

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