4: Cordelia

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I walked alongside Mark, down the hallways of the Los Angeles Institute. I could not believe that we were here, so far into the future. And there was another Carstairs here. And there were Blackthorns, many of them. I glanced sideways at Mark. He was very handsome, and I blushed. We walked through a set of doors, and into a massive kitchen.

"This is the kitchen, but you could probably already tell." Mark blushed slightly.

I chuckled. "Yes, I could."

We kept walking, and he stopped at another door, and pushed it open. It was the training room. Weapons gleamed brightly on shelves, and I studied all of them.

"What is your weapon?" I asked.

"The bow and arrow." Mark spoke. "What about you?"

"I do not really have one. It is mainly the seraph blade." I stated.

He only smiled, remaining silent.

"You do not look like your siblings." I said, as we began walking again.

"No, I don't. I have a twin sister named Helen, and I look like her. But she was banished from here." Mark's smile disappeared.

"Why?" I asked.

This lead to a long story. There was something called the Cold Peace, and it banished Faeries, because they were bad in some war. They had exiled Mark's sister, and he had been taken by the Wild Hunt for five years, and had only returned to his family, recently.

"I am very sorry." I said when he was finished. "That is horrible."

Mark shrugged. "I am happy now. That's what matters."

As we walked, another girl was walking towards us. Cristina, I thought her name was. She stopped in front of us, and shot me a polite smile. She then looked over at Mark, who was staring at with something I could not place.

"Mark." Cristina greeted.

"Cristina." He looked away from her.

Cristina looked a bit sad at his reaction, and then walked away. Mark and I started to walk again.

"I know it is not my business, but does Miss Rosales fancy you?" I asked.

He laughed dryly. "No, she doesn't."

"And you? Do you fancy her?" I asked softly.

Mark blushed. "Yes."

"Ah, unrequited love. It is quite horrible, isn't it?" I sighed sadly, thinking of James.

"You sound as if you have experience with it." Mark raised an eyebrow.

"James." I stated glumly. "I have been in love with him since I was ten."

"I am sorry." Mark said.

I waved it off. "I accepted that he wouldn't return my affection awhile ago."

"You don't look like Emma." Mark changed the subject.

"No, I do not." I said. "She is very beautiful."

He smiled slightly. "She is. She's the best Shadowhunter of her generation."

"I can see that." I smiled. "She seems very determined and stubborn. How long have you known her?"

"Almost all of my life. Her family was always close with mine. Her and Julian have always been inseparable." Mark explained.

We reached a door, and Mark opened it. We both walked in, and I saw that it was a bedroom.

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