36: Cordelia

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I ran down the hallways of the Institute, towards the infirmary, desperate to see James. Matthew had just told me that he was awake, and I was dying to see him. I could not describe in words the hollowness I felt when I saw James laying on the cement, looking lifeless. And that it had been my fault. I had started sobbing immediately, and had clung to Matthew, crying into his shoulder. It had been horrible.

I walked into the infirmary, and practically ran over to James' bed. He was awake, sitting up. His golden eyes were bright, and his jet black hair was messy. Even now, he still looked beautiful. How he seemed to manage that, I didn't know. I took a seat by his bed, tears welling in my eyes.

"Oh James." I started. "Thank the angel you are okay. I was so worried. I'm so sorry, this was all my fault--"

He cut me off. "No, it wasn't. There was no way you could have seen that demon."

"You almost died because of me." I whispered.

"I wasn't going to die. Jace wouldn't be here, if I did." James gave me a crooked grin. "Matthew told me that."

"He told me that, too, but I was still so worried." I frowned. "Something still could have happened to you."

"What happened after I was stung?" James asked.

"Julian and Mark carried you back to the New York Institute. Matthew could not, because he was too busy comforting me." I blushed slightly at that. "We then had Magnus Bane look at you, and he told us you would be awake in a few days. Clary then portaled us back here. Her and Jace felt so guilty about what happened to you, since they were the ones who asked you to go." I finished.

James shook his head. "It was not their fault. It wasn't anyone's."

"I cannot believe you did that for me." I admitted.

"Why not?" He raised an eyebrow.

"You risked your life for me, that is a big thing to do." I said.

James suddenly took my hand. I felt sparks run through my veins, and I blushed. James Herondale was holding my hand.

"I would risk my life a million times over for you, Daisy." He spoke softly.

My eyes widened at his words, and I was unsure what to say.

"Why?" I whispered.

James was about to say something, when Lucie came running into the infirmary.

"Jamie!" She exclaimed, throwing her arms around him. "Oh, I been so worried!"

Lucie let her brother go a few seconds later, and tears were in her blue eyes.

"Please don't cry, Lucie." James said, desperately.

She chuckled, and wiped away her tears. They both then started talking, and I realized that James was still holding my hand. Lucie noticed this, and smirked at me. I blushed and quickly looked away from her. We all talked for about ten minutes, and then Lucie and I left. James had squeezed my hand before letting it go, and I had smiled shyly. As we walked down the halls, Lucie was grinning at me, looking crazy.

"He was holding your hand!" She practically shouted.

I giggled, blushing. "Do you believe it?"

"Oh! He must fancy you, Cordy!" Lucie exclaimed.

"I do hope so." I smiled.

The two of us walked into the living room, where Cristina, Emma, and Anna sat. Lucie and I took a seat beside them, and they looked at us expectantly.

"How is James?" Cristina asked.

"Well." Lucie replied.

"Thank the angel he is okay." Anna sounded relieved.

"What should we do today?" Emma asked.

"Can we go swimming again?" I asked, smiling. "It was quite fun."

Everyone else agreed, and soon the five of us girls were on the beach, in our swimsuits. I walked into the water, remembering the last time we all went swimming. The memory of James flashed in my mind, and I smiled to myself.

"The water is colder today." Cristina shivered.

"It is." Anna agreed.

Only the four of us swam, since Emma hated the ocean. She sat on the beach, watching us. After awhile, the four of us got out, and took a seat beside her.

"Why do you not like the ocean?" I found myself asking.

Emma looked saddened, and I immediately regretted asking.

"My parents bodies were found by the ocean." Emma said quietly. "Ever since then, I've hated it."

"I am very sorry." I frowned.

"I, as well." Lucie looked sad. "That is horrible."

Emma sighed. "It was."

I then spotted Julian, Mark, Jesse, Matthew, and James all walking towards us. I straightened up, and they finally reached us. They were all dressed in their swimwear.

"What are you doing out of the infirmary?" Lucie asked her brother.

"Julian called a Silent Brother to come see how I was doing, and he said I was fine." James replied.

Lucie smiled at him, and then James looked at me. I was immediately lost in his golden eyes, and could not look away. It was when Matthew asked James if he wanted to swim, that we both looked away from each other. All of the boys went in the ocean, and all of the girls raised an eyebrow at me.

"What was that?" Emma grinned.

My cheeks flamed. "What do you mean?"

"You know exactly what she means." Cristina teased, smiling.

"Jamie was holding her hand in the infirmary." Lucie smirked, looking like him.

"How scandalous." Anna teased, smirking.

I rolled my eyes, amused. "It was not like that. We're friends."

"But you would like to be more than friends." Lucie grinned.

Of course I would. I had been wanting to be more than friends with James, ever since I had been ten years old. I was completely and utterly in love with him.

"Yes, I would." I said shyly, smiling slightly. "But that will never happen, he does not fancy me."

The four other girls sighed, shaking their heads.

"What?" I questioned.

"You're so blind." Emma sighed.

They were all wrong, I knew. James did not fancy me.


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