9: Lucie

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That night, Cordelia, Livvy, and Dru and I all sat in Livvy's bedroom. The two younger girls had insisted on what they called "Painting mine and Cordelia's nails." I wasn't sure what they had meant, but now I knew. Apparently, it was like almost paint, and it went on your fingernails or toe nails. You could pick any colour you wanted, it was quite fascinating. I chose the colour blue, and Cordy chose red.

"If you do not mind me asking," I started, looking at Livvy who was painting my nails. "Where are your parents?"

"Our mother got sick when I was very young, and Dru even younger. She didn't make it. And our father, he died five years ago." Livvy frowned.

"I'm very sorry to hear that." I frowned as well.

"I, as well. That must be very hard." Cordelia said.

"It is, sometimes. But Julian makes it all better. He knows how to take care of us." Dru said.

"Do you have any siblings, Cordelia?" Livvy asked. "Oh wait, of course you do, or else Emma wouldn't be here."

Cordelia chuckled. "Yes, I have an older brother."

"Is he as hot as Matthew?" Dru giggled.

Cordy and I laughed, Livvy blushed, grinning.

"No, he is not." Cordelia grinned.

Livvy sighed dreamily. "Matthew is so perfect."

At this, Cordelia and I laughed.

"He is quite far from it, actually." I laughed.

"I am not sure how James puts up with him, sometimes." Cordelia chuckled.

"Are you and Jesse dating?" Dru asked me.

"Courting, I think you mean, and yes we are." I blushed slightly.

"Well, you must marry him, since I look exactly like you." Livvy smiled brightly.

"I must." I blushed, and Cordelia bumped my shoulder teasingly.

"What about you?" Dru looked at Cordelia. "Who are you dat--courting, I mean."

"No one." Cordelia sighed.

"Alright, then who do you have a crush on?" Dru asked excitedly.

Cordelia looked over at me. Only Anna and I knew who she fancied. It was James. She had been in love with him since she had been ten. I personally did not see what she found so attractive about him, but I suppose every person thought that about their sibling.

"James, but you mustn't tell anyone." Cordelia blushed.

Both girls squealed.

"That's so cute!" Livvy exclaimed. "I ship it!"

"You...what?" Cordelia looked confused.

"Nothing." Livvy giggled.

Dru sighed. "He's attractive, too." And then looked at me. "You're so lucky you get to live with him and Matthew."

I chuckled. "Not really. They act like wild animals almost all the time. Once, they were out fighting demons, and they got mud everywhere in the Institute. My mother almost fainted."

Both girls laughed, and Cordelia smiled amusedly. It was times like these, that I wished I had a younger sister. Of course I loved James, dearly, but I had always wanted a younger sister.

"Speaking of your mother, I think Emma is going to call her and Jem." Livvy said.

I snapped up. "Jem? Brother Zachariah? Isn't he a silent brother?"

Dru smiled. "Not anymore. Jace Herondale saved him."

I smiled. "Of course a Herondale would save him. Father would be so pleased. I would like to meet this Herondale boy."

"I think Emma's going to call Clary Fairchild. Her and Jace are engaged to he married. I think she's going to tell her to bring the Lightwoods, too." Dru added.

"A Fairchild and a Herondale." Cordelia chuckled. "James and Matthew must be elated about that."

"Your brother does not look like you." I said to Livvy. "Your twin brother."

"Jules says that he takes after the older generations of Blackthorns. Like Jesse." She replied, and then sighed. "Ty won't become Parabatai with me."

"Why ever not?" Cordelia asked.

"He wants to go to the Scholomance." Dru frowned, looking nervously at her sister.

"I want him to go, so he can be happy, but I don't want to live without him." Livvy said sadly. "But I know that it's his dream to go there."

"Would you go with him?" I asked.

"He wants me to, but I don't think I will." She said. "That kind of thing, it just isn't for me."

"I understand." I replied. "Well, if he wants to go, he should go. Even though it will hurt you."

Livvy sighed. "Yeah, he should."

A few minutes later, the two girls told us that our nails were finished. I inspected mine, carefully. They were very pretty, and Cordelia and I both thanked them. We were then informed that it was supper time by Ty, and we all walked to the kitchen. I took my seat between Cordelia and Jesse, and he complimented me on my nails. I only laughed and thanked him. Julian had made something called "spaghetti", and I eagerly tried it. It was amazing. The food in the future was much better here, than it was back in 1903.

"Livs, Dru, did you guys paint their nails." Julian smiled, gesturing to Cordelia and I.

"Yes, since Emma never lets us do hers." Dru said.

"I hate nail polish." Emma said simply.

Cristina chuckled. "Don't worry girls, I'll let you paint my nails, too." She winked at them.

"Funny, I woke up the other morning, and there was black paint on my finger nail." Mark said thoughtfully, seeming confused. "Though, I have no idea how it got there."

We all laughed. It was clear that he hadn't been listening to a word we all were all saying. Cristina giggled at him, and Mark blushed a bit. He must fancy her, I thought to myself. Though, I thought that Mark was seeing Emma, but I guessed not anymore. Suddenly Ty got up and left the kitchen, and returned a moment with a sword in his hands.

"Here Emma, you left this in the training room, yesterday." Ty said.

I saw Cordelia studying the sword, closely.

"Thanks, Ty-Ty." Emma grinned and took the sword from him.

"That's Cortana." Cordelia said suddenly. "My brother's sword."

Emma looked surprised. "I use it, now."

"How funny." Cordelia smiled, and Emma grinned.

It was very crazy, I thought, how we were all connected to each other in some way. I was suddenly very happy that Matthew and James had fallen into Christopher's portal, so I could meet these amazing people. I felt truly lucky to have this experience.

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