33: Cordelia

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Lucie and I stood in the ballroom, of the New York Institute. It was decorated beautifully, and there were many people here. We had been here for about ten minutes, and everyone had already parted ways. Anna was speaking to Alec Lightwood, smiling. Emma was talking to Clary, laughing. James and Matthew were with Jace. Finally, Isabelle was carrying Tavvy around, entertaining him. I had heard Emma say that Tavvy "must remind her of Max" though I wasn't sure who Max was. Cristina then walked up to Lucie and I, smiling.

"Bored?" She asked, smiling.

I shook my head. "This is amazing."

"It is." Cristina agreed. "I've never been to one of these."

"We go to these all the time." Lucie smiled slightly.

Emma and Clary joined us, then.

"Miss Fairchild." Lucie and I greeted at the same time.

"Oh, just Clary." She smiled.

Isabelle then ran up to us, carrying Tavvy; his hands around her red pendant necklace.

"He is just the sweetest!" Isabelle exclaimed. "I want to keep him!"

Clary laughed. "He isn't a pet, Izzy."

"I know, but he's just so adorable!" Isabelle smiled lovingly at Tavvy.

Tavvy then spotted Dru, and squirmed in Isabelle's arms. She sighed sadly, but put him down, and he ran over to his sister.

"So, how have you two been liking it here?" Clary asked.

"It is amazing." I smiled. "Much more interesting than home."

"I think so, too, especially all of the beautiful girls." A voice said from behind us.

I rolled my eyes, knowing who it was. James and Matthew then walked up to us, Matthew grinning.

"Miss Fairchild, always a pleasure." Matthew smiled charmingly at Clary.

She blushed slightly, and smiled. "Hello."

"You're too much of a flirt, Matthew." Lucie rolled his eyes, amused.

"Charming." He corrected. "I am so very charming."

James scoffed. "Sure."

"What? I bet you all the girls think I'm more charming." Matthew said. "Let's see what Miss Fairchild, and Miss Lightwood think. Ladies, who do you prefer, James or I?"

"You." Isabelle grinned.

Matthew grinned victoriously, and James only rolled his eyes.

"James." Clary said quietly.

Matthews eyes widened with horror, and James started to smile, proudly.

"Don't worry, Matthew." Isabelle started. "Clary's got a thing for Herondale's. It's weird."

James grinned gleefully at Clary, who chuckled. I laughed at the two boys.

"You two are pathetic." I chuckled, shaking my head.

"Quite." Lucie agreed.

Matthew only looked annoyed, and James narrowed his golden eyes. Jesse then walked up to Lucie, and they both went off together. I watched her go, feeling a bit envious. I wished that I had someone, the way Lucie had Jesse.

"They're in love, aren't they?" Clary smiled.

"Very." I smiled.

Anna walked up to our group, then, and her and Isabelle started talking and laughing, like old friends. They were so similar, that as soon as they had been introduced to each other, they had become basically best friends. It was nice to see. Just then, a slow song started to play, and couples went onto the dance floor.

"Miss Fairchild, will you give me the honour of dancing with you?" Matthew asked, grinning.

Clary chuckled. "Alright, why not."

Isabelle then went to go find her fiancée Simon, and Anna walked away with Emma. Only James and I were left there, standing. My cheeks flamed at the thought of our kiss. How humiliating.

"Cordelia, would you like to dance?" James suddenly blurted out.

I looked up at him, surprised. "Yes."

He then took my hand, and we walked onto the dance floor. He then put his hands awkwardly on my waist, and mine went around his neck, the way everyone else was dancing. This felt strange, we never danced like this in 1903. We swayed back and forth to the music, and I avoided looking at him.

"You are embarrassed." James said suddenly.

Startled, I looked up at him. "What do you mean?"

"Because you kissed me." He said.

I blushed. "It was very improper, I shouldn't have."

"It was only me, Daisy." James spoke softly.

"I know, it was just strange." I mumbled.

"Did you like it?" He grinned.

I blushed bright red. "Yes, if you must know."

James chuckled. "So did I."

My heart leaped, and I bit my lip to hide my smile. I looked around the dance floor, and spotted Matthew and Clary dancing. Clary was laughing.

"He is more charming than me." James sighed.

I chuckled. "I think Matthew's more charming than everyone. Do not feel bad."

He laughed. "Very true. I'm surprised Miss Fairchild agreed to dance with him."

"I am not. It's Matthew, after all." I replied, amused.

"I cannot believe that about Emma and Julian." James frowned.

I frowned, also. "Neither can I. If they get caught, they'll be stripped of their marks."

"But why?" He asked. "Why is it against the law to fall in love with your Parabatai?"

"I don't know, but I feel horrible for them. There's no way to break the bond." I said sadly. "They are stuck like this for life."

James looked sad. "I cannot imagine that."

"Nor can I. It's not their fault, either. You cannot help you love." I bit my lip, feeling upset for them.

James stared down at me. "No, you cannot."

I stared up into his celestial gold eyes, lost in them. People always said his eyes were unnaturally and ugly, but I had always found them beautiful. They were unique, just like James himself. James had looked at me many times, of course, but he had never looked at me like this. He looked at me as if I would disappear any second, searching my face, looking deep into my eyes. He started to lean in, and so did I. Our lips were just about touch, when the song ended.

We both pulled away, and I looked at him with wide eyes. Were we really just about to kiss? James was about to kiss me? Again? He was looking at me, with that same expression.

"Excuse me." James mumbled.

He then quickly walked away from me, leaving me standing in the middle of the dance floor, alone.

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