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" get lost  brat " , " I hope every trash like u just vanish " , " beggar ! '' , '' u sh*t"" , "u filthy brat " .....

oh my god she s right ? she said the truth ?  they are .... trully monsters !! oh my good god !

monsters!!! monsters!! monster!!!they are all the same ! they look like humans, like me, but no they are not ? why not? is it because I wasnt born with a spoon in the mouth  ? because I m not wearing gold rings and silky clothes ? but u know what ? u re the real trash ! u upstarts ! u created us with ur perfect politics and awesome theory ! and now u re saying we re the trash here ? u throw ur rubbish and now complainig  and wondering where the flies coming from ?  oh no no sorry for being here , excuse our existing  ; excuse ur trash for disturbing ur perfect world ; for ur irresponsibilities !

oh dear mama sorry for doubting ur sincerity ! 

" a girl on her knees in the street  begging , praying for help in the stormy day ; asking the deaf to hear her ; the blind world to see her , the mute to answer her ! the echo of the brocken child was fading bit by bit , her soul was vanishing slowly in the air , sorrow turning into hatred , grief into hardness , darkness was arising , engulfing her heart announcing the birth of the new monster  , the new devil  !welcome to the world BEAUTIFUL devil ! "

I stood up , my bro is waiting for me , I cant give up ! not yet ! suddenly I heared a sceam of a seller : " apple ! sweet apple ! welcome lady ,,,, " thats it !! If I get it for Ed , he surely will get better ! - the childhood theory ! what a good theory !! - but this monster wont give it to me that easily ; I knew that as I knew that I have to take it in a way or another , if he accept or refuse ! but the seller wasnt alone ; he was with a kid around 7 or 8 years old ! a handsome one !! ahhh what am I thinking about ! need to focus...

u cant trick me ! ur mask is down  ! so let me join the game ! I promise I will play with ur rules , I will match ur laws ; I will be the monster ; the devil ; the demon so lets play ! 


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