part 3- race's start , us Vs darkness

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my mother took her suitcase and walked out the door while we just stood there ; our eyes catching her last sight , we heared the roar of the BMW s motor than went to the window , watching the car vanishing , hiding in the shadow of the crimson sun ,.... it  was already sunset 

we ate a sandwich with cheeses than went to sleep

1 day ; 

it was as any day , she wasnt staying home much anyway so we didnt notice her absence ; she had always came home morning with the stench of alcohol on her , with some food in hand ; change her clothes and go ... where to? she must be flirting with men , I guess ... its her specialization  domain after all .....

4 day

it s already night , we were laying in bed , quietly when my bro cut the silence

-Do you think she will really return?

I turned around to see his angelic face

- sure .... I said ,

, smiling ,I m lying ? oh hell noo!!! I dont lie ; there is a huge different between lying and not saying the truth ! haha u think it s the same well i dont think so ; I did it for good and its not like I was certain about her not coming back either so it does count as a white lie , u dont believe in that ? the exist of black and white lies ? huh I doubt that also but thats what we all do , making excuses right?? ; in the end at least we made sure in one single thing ; lying is really the human nature after all !

hey u think I m like u no nno no!! dont misunderstand I remember my chest ached back then ; it felt too tight like I cant breath anymore  , I have conscience so dont group me with lowlives 

ok lets go back where we were;

-Lina ? hoow the monsters look like ? Ed asked

- hey I m beside u so there is no need to be afraid I will protect u , ur sis is tough , I ve muscles u see ?? I replied proudly raising up my hand to the sky , punching the air 

- wow ; sis is really a.w.e.s.O.m.e ; he shouted in excitement 

I giggled , and tapped his head

- ok little kid ; it s time for u to sleep ! sweet dreams , I singed in a sweet tune

- good good night linnna ; he chanted matching my rhythm

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