part 8- the innocent traitor

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I shook my head and ran to my bro ... "bro I have a bunch of things to tell you ! I met a good kid ! a kid like us ; a prince !  when u recover ,I will introduce you to him " ... we will have fun ! I m.... I m ..... what u call it ? ah yes happy !that s the world ! bro wait for me !

" a girl is  smiling in the stormy day , melting the snow with the warmth of her heart , singing to the world with her troubled soul , piercing the wind , she is ranning with an apple in hand ; with hope within the thin body , she didn't feel the cold anymore ; because it's  warm , so warm , how warm !  "

I reached the house , pulled the door and ran to Ed ; I checked his forehead , ah the fever is gone ! thank god !

- Eddy ! wake up , I m back ! look I ve an apple ! I sung in my usual warm tune , tapping on his arm

he didnt answer me or even move 

- hey wake up sleepy ! I got something for you ! I repeated

why isn't he waking up? wake up please ... wake up! just open your eyes ? I beg you ..... My eyes clouded with tears , my chest ached so much as I shook him to wake up ...

- wake up Eddy ! I won't forgive you if you leave me alone ! just open your eyes !! ! I pleaded , pushing him harder ... harder

" an echo of a brocken child fulled with sorrow and grief , pierced the cold-hearted wind , begging  a souless body to react ...the poor kid hugged her brother , her soul was agitated , raging ... .tears warmed her skinny cheeks . no matter how long she cried , no one heared , no one cared .... no single one ! "

-bro !! bro !! ! don't leave me alone please !! you brat ! I said I will come so why didnt you wait ! why !!! for god s sake answer me !

- fu..fu...fu ... how noisy ! a voice from behind said , I turned...  there was n... no one ; I got scared

- who is there !! ? I shouted as the tears froze on my cheeck

- how annoying .... as always , the same human s reaction , they always says " who is it " who ... who ... who .. the same question whenever I talk to them ,,, well , I've many names : some call me demon , some call me devil , they even call me a sorcerer huh .? isn't it funny ; , the voice replied

- can you save my bro !!? I shouted

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