part 5 - a cry for help

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omg ; how I hate the damn snow ! who said that kids love it ?? love that deadly white thing ? nonsense ! 

oh something is warming my back! cool !!  it s my bro! how warm !! wait a minute ! he isnt supposed to be that warm ; I glanced at him  , he was breathing hardly , he was sweating , shaking ,,, oh my good god !!!  

- Edd !! Ed !! Eddy !! wake upp ;; u hear me ?? wake up !! I shouted ; waking him ; I puted my hand at his forehead , he was burning !!!! what to do? what to do ??the tears clouded in my eyes , the hair on my neck stood up ; I m  .. no !! it s not time to cry ; I need to do something , I need to call someone !! I need help !! suddenly ; my mum s words crossed my mind " there are monsters out there !! "  the creep sneaked into my body , but .... but .. I

- l ,,, liii ,,, liin , co ...coold  ; he murmured with a sporadic low voice 

- hold on !! I m going to search for help !! wait for me !!! okk ??I m going to protect you !! wait for sis !! I yelled ; freaked out 

 I stood up and hurried getting out when I felt his touch , his hand trying to grab my leg to stop me 

- ma ... ma .... 

I bowed ; kissing his forehead and whispered :

- she s comming too ... she surely is !!so wait .... just a little !! 

then I ran out 

" with  a bare foot on the snow , a light shirt facing the wild wind  , a girl running on the street  , she s not the little marchant  nor snow white running from her step-mother .... just a girl ''

I reached a park crowded with people ,as me, alive , walking, suddenly I saw santa , yeah it s santa as the man described him : big man with a mix of red and white coat with a bag in his hand ..... santa absolutely will help me , I rushed into him grabed his warm coat 

- santa ! please help my bro-- I yelled

- get away from me u dirty beggar , he scolded me ,pushed me away , and gave me a hateful gaze , a terrifying one 

wait what ?? I must be mistaken ; santa is a warm , cheerful man , isnt he ? did the man lie to me ? how dare he ? didnt I tell you that all humans are liars ? 

no !  it s not time to panic  ! I need to ask someone else ! anyone else ! 

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