part 2- the warm-hearted mother huh?

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her footsteps severed my sweet day-dreaming moment , she was irritated ? weird ! I ve never seen her  like this before , what the hell is going on with her? her glances were totally lost just as an astray dog ; she started scanning the house ; corner by corner ?? my bro ; next to me , squeezed my shirt , he knew  also that some thing is wrong but really what is that ? what can break that cold donkey s back? finally she glanced at us ; and started moving oh my god she s coming our way !! ; it just took her 3 sec to be standing right in front of us and start moving her damn hand o my god what did I do to deserve this punch? , I pulled my bro to the back and got my defensive position and closed my eyes ; her hand fall at my shoulder lightly , what? wait a minute? what!!!!! I opened my eyes carefuly to find her standing on her knees which made our eyes in the same level , no no no wait ? this definitely cant be mama ! definitely can't be  ! 

- dont be scared , Lin ? she said drawing a warm light smile in the face 

my mind got blown away , it went blank , totally blank ! how can be the devil turn into an angle in one night? you believe in miracles ? well me not ! something surely going on !

- wha.....whats goin' on mommy ?, asked my brother behind me

she smiled even gentlier this time and answered :

- hey Ed , nothing sweetheart ; mama is just going in a trip for a few days , I want you to stay calm and obey your older sis okay ? 

he nodded yes , she kissed his forehead and grabed his little hand,  then she turned to me and said with her other hand still on my shoulder

- take care of your brother  Lin , there is food enough for 4 days in the fridge so you dont need to go out ,

my tongue was trapped , speechless , I turned mute .....her smile vanished suddenly 

- you can never go outside ok ! there are lots of  monsters out there !! she added

I felt creep seeping all over my body , I got really scared back then , I mean how wouldnt I be when I was just 5 ??I forgot to mention that I ve never gone out even once and neither did Ed ,she had banned us from that and it became a red line we dont cross ; for us, the other's presence was our entire world so we never needed either??

"for a kid , a mother s words were an absolute fact !!!"


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