Chapter 2 Meeting Mr. Dreamur

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Alice felt her heart beat faster than she thought it could, Victoria tried to appear as meeting Mr. Dreamur was like talking to her parents or one of her friends, and Mike didn't care. Mr. Dreamur seemed to be occupied in his work. 

Alice tried to get his attention, "Mr. Dreamur?" she stuttered, her voice shaking. Unfortunately, she couldn't speak loud enough to get his attention.

Mike was ready to pour some boiling hot water on him, but Victoria stopped him as she said, "Mr. Dreamur, we're here."

Mr. Dreamur finally looked up as he replied, "Ah, you're here. I've been expecting you for quite a while." His voice was deep and booming.

Mr. Dreamur could tell what races they were just by looking at them, but he wouldn't need to. He'd heard enough of them from the interviewers. Even though the interviewers only considered hiring Alice, he listened closely to the interviews and picked them out himself.

"I wanted to congratulate you" his voice roared across the room.

"For what?" Mike remarked.

"You three are the youngest employees here at Dreams and Wishes. So, for that reason, I have a very special assignment for you."

"Oh yeah? What's your 'Special Assignment'?"

Mr. Dreamur handed him a note-filled binder and answered, "This."

"Okay. . . What's 'this'"

"Your Special Assignment."

Victoria jokingly shoved at his shoulder and said, "You have to read it, stupid"

"Who are you calling stupid?"

"The guy who thinks too much of himself. . . Even though he can't figure out that you have to read the assignment"

"I don't think too much of myself."

"Yeah right"

Alice said a small, "thank you" and pulled them out. She knew they were going to start an argument, and she just met her boss. That would be a terrible first impression.

"I don't! Plus, at least I don't ruin my chances with making friends with everyone I meet by being sarcastic by every single little thing I say!" Victoria almost had smoke coming out of her ears.

"Well at least I don't-!" She was interrupted by Alice getting in between them. 

"Why did you just get in front of me? I was just about to hit him with the best insult I can think of!" Victoria screamed.

"You two need to calm down. . . Besides, didn't Mr. Dreamur just give us an assignment?" Alice tried to comfort them. She was amazing at it. It's in her genes. It's natural for a fairy godmother to be able to calm people down.

Victoria sighed and answered, "Yes, he did. Let's get started on it. Once he calms down" 

"I am calm. You're the one that needed to calm down."

Alice, trying to ignore that they're bound to start another argument, asked, "Um. . . Can I have the assignment?"

"You mean this stupid binder?"

"Yes. The assignment" He threw it to her. She caught it, even though a couple sticky notes fell out of the small pocket. 

She scurried to pick them up. Once she collected all of the notes, she read the assignment.

"Well? What does it say?" Mike asked, like he cared for a second.

"We're going to the human world." She whispered.

"I didn't hear you. Can you speak up a little?"

"The human world. That's where we're going for this."

"Aren't we banned from there?"

"Perhaps Mr. Dreamur has permission?"

"Okay. Yeah, maybe, but we are banned! What do you not get about that! What does that stupid binder say about being banned?"

"He wouldn't make us do anything illegal. . . Would he?"

Victoria muttered, "Maybe to get a demon and grim reaper in trouble"

"Probably not. . . I mean, this is Mr. Dreamur we're talking about. He wouldn't go out of his way just to get us in trouble." Alice said hopeful that what her new friends were saying weren't true, even though she speculated it.

Mike snatched the binder from Alice's small, warm hands and read most of the notes. He still tried to maintain the I-don't-care look, but Victoria could tell that he did care. At least one small part of him did. Why would he be there if he didn't care? Even if most of him didn't care, there was that tiny part. A spark of caring and kindness. "Imagine that" Victoria thought, "Mike, the Shinigami, caring about something and being somewhat kind? Wow, I'm crazy. For sure."

Once Mike skimmed through the notes, he threw the binder at Victoria, and once again, papers flied across the grand hallway. Luckily, all of the fairy godmothers were still working. If they weren't, the notes would be trampled over and destroyed. Alice once again was on her knees, gathering all of the notes. Once she did, she handed it over. Victoria read the notes, studying every small note or scrap of paper in the binder.

"Alright," Alice glanced at the clock and told them, "We're leaving after lunch. Hope you've packed, because we're probably not coming back for a while."

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