Chapter 4: Arriving in the Human World

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After a couple hours, the teenagers were dropped onto a hardwood floor. They examined the room. There were cobwebs, spider webs, and dust everywhere.

"Um. . . Where are we?" Alice asked.

"The hub." Mike answered quickly, as if he didn't have to think about the question.

"How do you know that?"

"I've been here many times. Causing chaos to the humans. That's what I would do." He said, already knowing what her next question was going to be.

Alice wandered the room, observing every little thing. She eventually found a window. She looked outside to see the giant skyscrapers, buildings, and humans themselves. Her eyes widened, and her breathing got a little faster.

"Look! Humans! We're actually in the human world!"

"Well, duh!" Victoria remarked as he pushed open the immense, heavy doors. As they walked out, they all noticed that the humans were holding odd devices. The humans were all staring at them. They'd touch the surface of the device, even though nothing seemed to come from it.

Mike muttered, "Oh right. I forgot about this time period's technology."

"What are those?" Alice asked while pointing to the devices.

"Smart phones. Also, speaking from personal experience. . . Do not take them from them. They are incredibly protective over them."

"What do they do?"

"They allow communication from anywhere from this world."

"So. . . They're basically like a magic mirror from our world?"

"Yes. . . Except. . . Younger humans usually spend all of their time on it. It's like an addiction."

"Why are they so obsessed over it though?"

"Why do you keep asking me? I don't know everything! Even if I am a god, I still don't know everything. . ." The last part slipped out of Mike's mouth.

Victoria said to herself, "Knew it!"

"A. . . God?" Alice yelled.

"Crap. . ." He muttered.

"A god? A god of what?" Alice asked.

"He's a. . . Shinigami? You're a shinigami, aren't you?" Victoria demanded.

Mike sighed. "Yup. You're right. You are a good guesser." He answered, emphasising slightly on "are".

"A. . . Shinigami?" Alice inquired.


"Um. . . What's a shinigami?"

"A 'grim reaper'. . . 'Angel of death'. . . 'Death'. . . 'Azrael'. . . I think those are what you call me."

"You're the grim reaper? I thought the grim reaper was a skeleton guy! You know, with the scythe? And with the dark black cloak? But. . . Wait. . . I thought you said you caused chaos to the humans! Aren't you supposed to collect their souls?"

"Not really. . . That's my dad's job. . . I only collect the souls if he needs help."


"Now. . . Let's find this guy. Didn't the binder say that he was in New York?"

"I think so"

"Wait. . . Where are we? You wouldn't happen to know, would you, 'Death'?" Victoria queried.

"Yeah. We're in Washington. I think anyway. . . I don't know. . . But. . . While we figure that out, we can explore a little. . . Especially saying Alice doesn't even know about half the stuff that goes on here. . ."

"Wait, we're going to explore?" Alice asked.

"Yup. I think one place you'll want to go is Oregon. If you want to see some nature kind of stuff, that is"

"I'd love to" the girls answered in unison.

"But..." Alice began, "We need to find that guy quickly..."

"Yeah, yeah, or we'll lose our job and stuff," Mike continued the sentence for her, in an annoyed tone. "Come on! There's some stuff I want for you to see! Things to find! Things to experience, only possible in this realm!"

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