The Wedding

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I had never been happier than in that moment. Ever since I was little, I had dreamed of the perfect wedding and the perfect man I would spend the rest of my life with. I knew where I wanted to have my wedding at by the time I was seventeen and since I was the only child, I knew that I was going to get what I wanted. The Laroi Winery would be expensive. Probably the most expensive place in the entire city of Chicago, but it was perfect. The building reminded me of a castle and when we visited for my parents' business meetings that were occasionally held there, I would climb the towers and pretend I was a damsel in distress.

Even then I imagined my dream wedding and on my wedding day, I stood at the entrance of the castle in a beautiful pure, white dress with a train that never seemed to end. The dress was lace and there were cutouts placed strategically to show off skin, but not too much. When I was looking for a dress, I knew that I wanted to be elegant, yet sexy. I wanted to impress the man who waited at the end of the aisle. I wanted him to not be able to control himself when he saw me and wish to take me right there in front of our friends and family.

The inside of the castle was hollow and empty, which made the perfect spot to invite hundreds of people. As I walked down the aisle to the traditional song, 'Here Comes the Bride', I could feel all six-hundred pairs of eyes staring at me. Instead of usual nervousness I thought I would feel, I felt like a goddess. I felt like a model walking down the runway, being adored by her fans. Though I didn't care less about those who came to help me celebrate that day. I only cared about the man at the end.

His eyes were wide and his mouth parted, shocked by the beauty of his soon to be wife. Even though I was still a hundred feet away from him, I could see the lust that set in his eyes and my smile widened. With each step, I became even more excited for what awaited when we finally were able to celebrate our honeymoon. When we were finally alone.

I took the last steps to admire my future husband. His dark hair that always reminded me of a raven, looked messy and I couldn't help but smile. He had asked me if I wanted him to style it a certain way and the only response I had was, "It'll only end up ruined later on." His face had sharp features and a jawline that I obsessed over when I first met him. I'd talk about him to my friends for hours on end, about how I would cut my finger on it if I ever got a chance to touch him. Hell, I had plenty of chances the last couple of years to touch that jawline. Believe me when I say that I took advantage of every opportunity I had to touch his jawline and the rest of his beautiful body.

"You look beautiful." He whispers, breaking me from my daydream that I had in the middle of my dream wedding. Even after being together for seven years, his words still make me blush and make my face suddenly feels very hot.

"I know." I reply back, before winking and looking towards the priest, giving him the go ahead. The next twenty minutes goes by in a blur as the priest does an amazing job of making this a perfect wedding. His voice is soothing and I smile as I congratulate myself for doing an amazing job of hiring him for today. I recite the vows to Andrew and I tear up in the middle. I had tried perfecting them, but I didn't think I would be able to explain my love for him in only a couple minutes. Instead, I kept them simple, but very sweet and by the end, I had started crying.

"Andrew, it is now time for you to read your vows." The priest says and Andrew suddenly looks very nervous. For the past couple weeks, Andrew has been trying to, as he said to, "perfect his wedding vows" because it would be "the only time he'd ever get to do it". I smiled and giggled like a schoolgirl when he said that. I have to stop myself from giggling again as I see his mortified face.

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but I forgot what I was supposed to say," He laughs awkwardly and I try my hardest not to laugh hysterically. "So I guess I'll just say what I feel- How I feel about you, Izzy." His eyes find mine and I feel them searching for my response, searching for the words he wants to say next. He takes a deep breath and I see everyone who came to watch, lean forward expectantly. He reaches out and holds my hands,

"I love you, so much that sometimes you make me hate love. Which is sort of ironic and is not the way someone is supposed to start their wedding vows, but here I am. You have so much control over me, Isabella." He says my full name and suddenly, everyone else in the room seems to disappear. "Every time you smile, my heart constricts and I forget how to breathe. Hell, I even forgot my own wedding vows because I saw you and my mind just turned to mush. You're so beautiful and perfect- perfect for me. You have pushed me so much in the last couple years to better myself and I thank you for that. You made me realize that when you love someone, you want them to accomplish as much as possible. You make me want to be a better man- I am a better man because of you. For that, I promise you- I promise you and your family," He says this last part while looking to my father and mother. "that I will take care of you for as long as I live. I will always laugh with you when you're happy, but I promise to almost always be the reason behind your happiness. I promise to hold you when you're sad, but I also promise to never be the reasoning behind it. I promise to be your biggest supporter, just like you have done to me and I promise, on my life, that I will always love you. I will love you when you can't stand me. I will love you, even when you're being annoying and won't let me watch what I want to watch. I will always love you and I don't know how many times I've said that already, but I know that I will say it as much as possible for the rest of our lives. I don't think I would be able to survive a day without you. I love you."

I cried the entire time he was speaking. When he placed the beautiful wedding ring he bought almost over a year ago on my hand, I knew that I had to be the most hideous bride in history because of how much I was sniffling and the makeup that had to have been running down my face. I was just incredibly happy, because I knew that I would spend the rest of the life with this man. I knew that I had found the one and that he felt that he had found his with me. It was liberating. It was the best day of my life. 

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