Mom Has "Big News"

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POV- point of view GCO- gets cut off

*Chanel's POV*

So I was laying on my bed, lookin through Facebook when my mom comes into my room.

*POV over*

Kim(Chanel's mom): Chanel, ¿puedo hablar contigo un minuto? (Chanel, can i talk to you for a minute?)

Chanel: Sí mamá. ¿qué pasa? (yes mom. What's up?)

Kim: Promise you won't get mad?

Chanel: Why would I get mad?

Kim: Well, you know how I've been dating Bill (her boyfriend) for 9 months now?

Chanel*confused* ya...?

Kim: well, we're gonna be moving in with him and his son.


What is Chanel going to say? keep reading to find out!

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