Let's Get Packing

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Chanel: Oh, ok.When are they gonna be here?

Kim: Craig said they should be here in about half an hour with a moving truck so we can take all the stuff to his house.

Chanel: ok.

Kim: Also, Craig is gonna be helping me pack up my stuff and Prodigy is gonna help you pack up your stuff ok?

Chanel: Ok mom. Well I'm gonna go start packing.

Kim: Ok sweety, I'm gonna to.

Chanel: Is it ok if I play my music while im packing?

Kim: Sure.

They both go upstairs to their rooms and start packing.

*Chanel's POV*

So when I went into my room, sure enough there were unfolded boxes in my room. I went and picked up one of the big boxes, got some clear duck tape, folded the box and taped the bottom. After I did that, I went over to my bed and put all my bedding in the box. After I did that, I set the box aside and grabbed a medium-small sized box and did the same thing to the bottom, then I went to my closet and started putting all of my socks, bras, and panties into it. I had figured since Prodigy was gonna be helping me pack, I might as well take care of all my 'under garments' just because I don't know him well enough to know if he's like a perv or not. After I took care of my 'under garments', I set that box aside also.

*POV Over*

Chanel and her mom were just then the door bell rang and Chanel's mom went and answered the door.

Kim: *Opens the door and sees Craig and Prodigy standing there.* Craig! Prodigy! Come on in!

Craig and Prodigy came in.

Craig: Hey Honey! *gave Kim a hug and kiss*

Prod: Sorry to interrupt but, would you like me to go help Chanel?

Kim: Oh, sure sweety! She might need some help. Her room is the with music coming from it. *chuckles a bit.*

Prod: Ok. *goes up the stairs to Chanel's room.*

That's it for this part! Please tell me how I'm doing! Stay Mindless!

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