Dinner With Mom, Her Boyfriend, and His Son

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*After introducing themselves to each other, they went to the restaurant*

*In the car*

*Chanel's POV*

So right now we were in Craig's car going to dinner. Also right now I have my purple Beats on listening to Chris Brown's Gimme That Remix ft. Lil Wayne. That's one of my favorite songs and to me, it never gets old! I was just watching the music video for the song, when I could feel Prodigy looking at me.

*POV Over*

Chanel: *takes off her Beats and whisperers* What?

Prod: Nothin, I was just watching the video. You like Chris Breezy?

Chanel: Oh, and ya. I LOVE Chris Brown!

Prod: Same here!

So for the rest of the car ride Chanel and Prod watched Chris Brown music videos.

*At the restaurant while their eating*

Craig: So Chanel, tell me about yourself.

Chanel: Oh well, I'm 17 years old, I like to listen to music alot, I like to hang out with friends and family, *takes a bite of her food, chews, swallows, then continues* I'm not always a morning person, I LOVE dogs, I do cheerleading, I like to sing and dance, I take ballet lessons, I LOVE music and I especially LOVE art!

Craig: Who are your favorite song artists?

Chanel: Um, definitely Chris Brown, Tyga, Lil Wayne, Nicki Minaj, Rihanna, Drake, Ray J, Trey Songz, Jason Derulo, New Boyz, Flo Rida, and alot others but I can't think of all of them.

Craig: *Chuckles* Wow, that's alot!

For the rest of dinner they all talk and eat. After dinner Craig drives Chanel and her mom home and Chanel and Prodigy exchange phone #'s since their probably gonna become siblings soon. *HINT!!!*

That's all for now. I know it was probably boring, but it's gonna get better soon, I promise! Till then, stay Mindless!

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