New House and New Friends

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*Chanel's POV*

So when my mom and Craig left for their plane, I went back to my room to unpack while Prodigy went to call his friends over. When I got to my room, I went to the box that had all my electronics in it and got out my IPod dock and then I grabbed my IPod out of my purse and set the dock ontop of the desk in my room and put on Tongue Ya Down by Legacy, blasted it, and started putting my clothes away.

*POV Over*

*Prod's POV*

So after I called my boys and asked them to stay the summer, they said yes because all of their parents were cool with my parents. They said they would be here in about a half hour, so I decided to go help Chanel for a bit.

*POV Over*

Prod went to Chanel's room and went into her closet where she had most of her clothes put away.

Prod: Hey Chanel. Want some help?

Chanel: Sure.

Prod: *Starts helping Chanel put her clothes away* So, my boys are gonna be here in about a half hour.

Chanel: Cool.

Prod: Would you like to hang out with us when they get here?

Chanel: I'd love to, but I wanna get all my stuff put away.

Prod: Well, how about when they get here, you come down and meet them, then go back to work for an hour, then come spend the rest of the day with us?

Chanel: Ok.

Just then, the door bell rang.

Prod: I'm guessing thats the guys. *he leaves and goes to answer the door.*

Well, thats it for now! Stay Mindless!

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