New House and New Friends

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*Prod's POV*

When I opened the door I saw my boys Prince, Roc, and Ray.

*POV Over*

Prod: Ay! Wassup guys! *he daps all of them*

Prince: Nothin much man!

Roc: So Prod, what did you say about having a sister now?

Prod: Oh ya. Well she's upstairs in her room unpacking because her and her mom just moved in today and my dad and her mom went on a vacation with each other to Hawaii for the summer.

Ray: Cool. Now I wanna meet her!

Prod: Ok. *yells up the stairs* CHANEL! COME DOWN THE GUYS WANNA MEET YOU!

Chanel: *from upstairs* K!

*Chanel's POV*

Prod had called me down saying the guys wanted to meet me so I went downstairs. When I looked up, I saw the sexiest boy EVER! He had his hair in two braids, big BEAUTIFUL sparkling eyes, and nice, juicy, TOTALLY kissable lips! He was so sexy, I couldn't even find the right words to describe him!

*POV Over*

*Ray's POV*

When Prod's step-sister came down the stairs and looked up and smiled, I saw the most GORGEOUS girl I EVER laid my eyes on! She had a beautiful smile with perfectly strait pearly white teeth, amazingly beautiful hazel eyes, and some FINE ass babies on her chest! It's like she's an angel, no scratch that, she IS an angel!

*POV Over*

Prod: Guys, this is Chanel. Chanel, this is *GCO*

Ray: I think we can introduce ourselves. *looks at Chanel* I'm Rayon, but you can call me Ray. *takes her left hand and kisses it softly*

Chanel: *blushes and smiles* I'm Chanel.

Roc: I'm Chresanto, But you can call me Roc. *takes her hand and kisses it*

Chanel: *blushes and smiles... again*

Prince: Soy Jacob, pero me Princeton, su sexy papi puedo llamar. *takes her hand and kisses it*

I forgot to mention that Chanel is a part Mexican, so she understands a lot of Spanish. Also, the translation for what Princeton said is 'I'm Jacob, but you can call me Princeton, your sexy papi.'

Chanel: *smiles blushes and giggles becasue she understood what he said*

Prod: So Chanel, are you gonna be ok with the guys staying for the summer?

Chanel & Ray: *both looking at each other smiling a little*

Chanel: *still looking at Ray* Ya.

Prod: Cool. Well you guys wanna go up to my room and play some Call of Duty?

Ray: *looks away from Chanel* Ya lets go!

Chanel: It was nice meeting you guys, but I gotta get back to unpacking. *starts to run up the stairs*

Prod: *calls after her* You gonna come join us later?

Chanel: *yells back* Ya!

Prod: *looks back at the guys* Well, come on guys.

They start heading upstairs.

Prince: I bet I can beat yall's asses!

They go into Prod's room, which is right across the hall from Chanel's room. (I'm not sure if I said his room was next to her's or not, but if I did, then I'm changing it to his room being right across the hall from her room.)

Well, thats it for now! Please tell me how I'm doing! Stay Mindless!

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