Hanging Out

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Princeton: I dare you to come with us to the gym room and go to the room where it has poles, and do a dance on one of the poles.

Ray: *smirks*

Chanel: Okay.

They all get up and go to the gym they have in the house and go to the room where there are poles.

Chanel: Do you want me to put a song on while I do it?

Ray: Ya!

Chanel: *looks at Ray with the 'what?' face*

Princeton: Ya, what Ray said.

Chanel: Okay. *puts on Grind On Me by Pretty Ricky, plays it and goes to the pole starts dancing on it, going up and down it, and all around it like a professional stripper* *lol I don't know it just came to my head so I put it there*

Ray's POV

So, When Chanel asked if she should play a song while she does it, I said ya for Prince, because I REALLY wanted to see Chanel dance on that pole. So, when she started dancing, I couldn't help but take in her every move she did. She danced on the pole like she was a professional stripper! Just looking at her made me go hard in the pants! I started to fantasize about what it would be like if she did that on me and how it would feel. Just thinking about it made me get even harder in the pants, and 'Rayttlesnake' was getting happy! Anyway, I was having a fun time fantasizing about me and Chanel fucking, until someone interrupted me.

POV Over

Prodigy: RAY! *pulls one of Ray's braids*

Ray: *stops daydreaming* First of all, OW! And secondly what?

Prodigy: Well, we've only been trying to get your attention for the last 2 minutes because we all decided to watch a movie and wanted to know if you wanna.

Ray: Oh, ya sure.

Chanel: Ummm... Ray?

Ray: Yeah?

Chanel: Um... *points to his pants*

Ray: *looks down at his pants and sees a HUGE bulge in his pants* SHIT!

Roc: *looks at Ray* What?

Ray: I uh... um... have to um... *points to his pants*

Roc: *looks at his pants and busts out laughing*

Princeton: What?

Roc: *laughing real hard* RAY'S GOT A FUCKING BONER!!!

Really Roc? Really? Lol, anyways that's all for now. Comment on what you think. Spread the Peace!

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