A Twilight Marathon With A Little Bit of Cuddling... Maybe

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Ray: *looks at Chanel*

Chanel: *looks at Ray*

Ray: *starts to lean in*

Ray's POV

I don't know how, but I think I might be developing feelings for Chanel. I mean, we haven't even known eachother for a day. I think I might have just experiensed love at first sight. Also, I don't know why, but I had the urge to kiss Chanel, so Imma go for it.

POV Over

Chanel: *leans in to*

All of a sudden theres a knock on the door.

Chanel: *stops leaning towards Ray, and says in an irritated voice* come in.

Roc: *opens the door* you guys wanna come down and hang out with us?

Ray: *looks at Chanel*

Chanel: *looks at Ray*

Ray: ya, i guess.

Roc: cool, see you guys downstairs.

Chanel & Ray: yup.

Ray: *looks at Chanel* i'm sorry bout tryin to kiss you just now. *puts is head down*

Chanel: *lifts his head up by his chin with her fingers, looks into his eyes and kisses his cheek* i'm fine with that. *smiles*

Ray: *looks into her eyes and smiles* really?

Chanel: yup. now come on, lets get downstairs. *winks at him*

Ray's POV

Wow! i think i DO have feelings for Chanel! damn, this girl got me feeling weak right now, i don't know how she did it or why it could have happened, but all i know is that she got me weak right now! Damn, Mama bad!

POV Over

Chanel turns the tv off and they both go downstairs.

Well, thats all for now. What do you think is gonna happen when they get downstairs? Do you think Ray and Chanel will start going out real soon? Please tell me how I'm doing so far. Spread the Peace!

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