Dinner With Mom, Her Boyfriend, and His Son

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*Chanel's POV*

When mom told me that we were gonna be going to dinner with her boyfriend and his son, I honestly kinda nervous. What if her boyfriend doesn't like me? What if his son is like 13 years old? Anyways, after I took a shower, I was looking through my HUGE ass closet looking for something to wear until I found the PERFECT dress!

*POV over*

Kim: *knocks on Chanel's bedroom door*

Chanel: come in!

Kim: *opens the door and comes into the to see Chanel putting on a pair of heels* You look beautiful Chanel!

Chanel: Thanks mom. So Do you!

Kim: No problem. Craig called me saying he would be here any minute so are you ready to go?

Chanel: Ya, but can I please bring my phone and Beats so I can listen to my music in the car?

Kim: No.

Chanel: But mom, please?!

Kim: No Chanel, it's not polite!

Chanel: Please mom?!

Kim: No Chanel!

Chanel: How about this? If you let me bring my phone and Beats, I'll behave and be polite.

Kim: *Thinks about it for a minute* Fine.

Chanel: YES! thank you mom! *gives her a hug*

Kim: Ya ya ya.

*Door bell rings*

Kim: That must be Craig and his son!

Chanel: I'll be down in a minute I'm just gonna get my phone and Beats.

Kim: *leaves the room* Ok!

Kim: *goes to the door and opens it and sees Craig* Craig! *gives him a hug and a kiss*

Craig: Hey Kim! Where's your daughter, I want to meet her?

Kim: She should be down any second. But in a meantime, is this your son? *points to a boy around Chanel's age*

Craig: Yes it is! Kim this is my son Craig, but we call him Prodigy. Prodigy, this is my beautiful girlfriend Kim!

Kim: *gives Prodigy a hug* Hi Prodigy!

Prod: Hello.

*just then Chanel comes down the stairs*

Kim: oh, Chanel!

Chanel: ya mom?

Kim: Chanel, This is my boyfriend Craig and is son Prodigy. Craig, Prodigy this is my daughter Chanel!

That's it for this episode! Tell me what you think! Also I'm gonna post the link to what Chanel is wearing in the Comment box.

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