Mom Has "Big News"

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Chanel: I guess mom.

Kim: *happy and gives Chanel a hug* Thank you for understanding hanel.

Chanel: no problem mom, just one question. When are we gonna be movin in?

Kim: in 2 days. Plus, I think your gonna like it there.

Chanel: I hope so. But am I gonna meet Craig? *I'm changing his name to Craig... HINT!* On the day we get to the house?

Kim: actually I'm glad you asked because i need you to get dressed into something nice.

Chanel: *confused* why?

Kim: because, Craig is going to be meeting us here in about 2 hours with his son so we can go out to dinner.

Chanel: oh, ok mom I'll go and get dressed.

Kim: *gets up off the bed* thanks sweety. *leaves the room closing the door behind her.*

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