Breakfast at Tiffany's

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Breakfast at Tiffany's

The following morning, I said goodbye to Daddy. I helped him repack his suitcase, as hadn't even packed a pair of shoes that matched and the sleeves of his shirt were folded all silly.

"Please try and spend some time with Chris and Gemma" Dad begged me "I hate to see the two of you fighting, especially considering how close you used to be to one another"

I agreed only to put his mind at ease, and I waved him off. I doubt I'll see Chris at all over Christmas. Especially considering I don't want to see Gemma.

I spent the whole Saturday curled up in my room watching films, like I usually do. My favourite room in the house is my bedroom, because that's where I keep all my favourite films out of the expansive collection I've accumulated over the years.

I woke up this morning to find that it is Sunday, after spending the whole of Saturday drifting in and out of sleeping and I realise I have several missed calls from Mark. Half asleep, I call him back.

"Hello" Mark greets down the phone. I'm surprised he's even answering at this early time on a morning.

"You're oddly cheerful" I say through a yawn "What do you want?"

"Do you want to come out for breakfast today? I'll pick you up in an hour and we can go to that little breakfast café you like" Mark offers and I smile.

"How come you're offering?" I ask him and he chuckles.

"Because I'm a good friend, now that's why. Now get dressed; I know that voice, and I know you're still in bed. I'll see you soon" He tells me and hangs the phone up.

I smile and drag myself out of bed. I get a shower, throw on some jeans and a cute pastel pink jumper and I hear the sound of Mark outside. Grabbing my bag, I make my way downstairs and lock the house up and head out to Mark's car.

He waves at me from the driver's seat, and I'm sure that I can see someone sitting in the passenger seat. The closer I get to the car, the more I realise I'm right.

It's Elisa.

I smile coyly, and climb into the backseat. "Good morning" I say and smile at Elisa, who turns around to wave at me.

"I hope you don't mind I tagged along" She tells me with a bright smile. I notice that she's very dressed up for a causal breakfast, wearing a dress with tights and a cardigan, her coat on her lap. "It's nice to see you again"

"Of course I don't mind! The more the merrier! As long as I get some breakfast I'll be happy!" I tell her with a chuckle and Mark sets off. I eye her dress again, and I feel underdressed in leggings and a jumper.

I quickly realise that Mark and Elisa have obviously been texting each other quite a lot since yesterday. The conversation leaves me quite confused as it's about reality television (some people living in a shore or a house or something) and I find myself drifting out.

I decide to play on my phone for a while to distract myself on the drive, and I find myself hovering over Mr Williams's number. It's there, a temptation, and I'm not sure I can resist any longer.

In the front seat, I hear Elisa giggle over something that Mark has just said.

Without hesitation, I decide to text Mr Williams. I mean, what harm could it do? Briefly, I text him thanking him for last night. It's short, it's sweet, but it is only half of what I want to say to him. A few worrying minutes go by when I didn't hear from him.

Then, I see my phone light up and there is a simple text.

Is this an emergency?

I giggle, imagining the serious look on his face. He always looks so sexy when he's being serious. I bite my lip, thinking about how his jaw tenses up and his eyes have that sharp quality in them. It reminds me of the tenth Doctor's 'Oncoming Storm' face- and that has always been a winner with the ladies.

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