Tag, You're It

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Tag, You're It

I'm a little stunned at what Sarah has just said.

"You mean... There's more of us?" I question, sliding into the seat opposite her and Sarah scoffs, crossing her arms on the table "I don't understand, how many is there?"

"Too many" Sarah spits in fury "He's a disgusting old man, but he's untouchable. Nobody would believe us"

"But Finn believes us, and other people would too" I insist "Gemma told me about you, what he did to you, he must have done this to other people too. We're reliable; what reason would we have to lie?"

"He's trying to victimise you; make you think that no-one would believe your word over his" Finn adds in, his voice soothing and calming. While his voice relaxes me, it serves only to agitate Sarah.

"But he's not wrong, no-one would believe my word over his. I tried" Sarah confesses, avoiding my eyes "I tried to report him, back when it first started, when he would just... Touch me... I tried to report it to the head teacher at the time but it didn't work, he didn't believe me. Mr Howard basically said I had an overactive imagination and might benefit from joining his after school club"

"But surely they couldn't make you go?" I question, as Sarah shifts uncomfortably in her seat, her arms disappearing into the sleeves of her cardigan.

"And an afterschool club, there would be other students there? You'd be protected" Finn points out. But the sense of dread I'm feeling, and what I suspect Finn is feeling too, suggests there isn't such a thing as safe when it comes to Mr Howard.

"I had to go, Mr Quay made it mandatory. Only there wasn't a club, was there? First night I went it was him and me alone in a classroom..." Sarah's voice trails off, her jaw is clenched and her body is shaking "He got what he wanted that night"

"Did you not go to the police?" I asked, and Sarah laughs.

"No, I went back to Mr Quay, told him what had happened. He didn't believe me again. He accused me of making it up, and told me the police would get involved if I continued to make up such serious allegations against such a respected member of staff" Sarah describes, her eyes dark and angry.

"I can't believe that happened..." Finn says, grabbing his jaw with his hand and pacing around the kitchen "Mr Quay only retired about four years ago, I only knew him for about a year, he was a bit of a prat but I didn't think he'd do that..."

"Mr Quay doesn't work there anymore" I tell Sarah "He left, and the new head teacher, Mr Barnes, he's so understanding. He'd believe us. We need to tell him, and you need to go to the police"

"There's been girls who've gone to the police. They were told their claims were 'unsubstantiated', meaning you're a stupid little girl, go home we'll never believe you" Sarah snarls "I'm in touch with at least twenty girls, half of them who went through worse than what I did"

"But that's lots of evidence!" I point out, but Sarah shakes her head. "Mr Barnes would believe us, if we went as a group-!"

"Nobody will ever believe us. Look at me, look at my house. They'll say I'm mentally unstable. That's what that devil did to me" Sarah snaps, only she doesn't say 'devil'. Her word begins with a 'C' and it makes the air stale.

"There must be other teachers who know what's been going on, did you not approach one of them?" Finn questions, and Sarah shakes her head.

"Of course not. I mean, do you really believe her?" Sarah asks Finn, who pauses. Doubt instantly floods me. What if he doesn't believe me? What if he's merely just humouring me?

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