Smooth Sailing on the Chersea

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Smooth Sailing on the Chersea

What am I doing?

My hand is poised to knock on the door, but there is something stopping me. I don't think I'm ready to talk about this yet.

But I have to.

Sighing, I knock on the door. From behind it, I can hear footsteps moving around. Taking a deep breath, I straighten my shoulders and lift my chin up, trying to act confident.

I plaster a smile on my face.

The door opens, and Finn's face greets me. I watch as his mood switches from surprise, to happiness, and then resting at a nonchalant neutral as he remembers that we're meant to be fighting.

The smile falls off my face.

"Chelsea. How are you?" Finn asks, trying to keep his voice level "I didn't expect to see you here"

"I didn't expect to be here, but we've had four rehearsals now and us arguing isn't any good for the show" I explain rationally, like I rehearsed in my head "So I thought I would come talk to you about it. May I come inside?"

"Of course, it seems like a good idea to talk about things" Finn responds, widening the door to allow me inside. "May I take your coat?"

This conversation is very awkward and structured. It makes my stomach churn because usually we have such light hearted banter in our conversations, and I hate how we don't at the minute.

Regardless of how unnatural I feel, I give Finn my coat and he hangs it up for me. I take my shoes off and head into the living room, wondering if I even should because I don't feel as welcome as I usually do. "How have you been?"

"You mean since we had sex last night in the cleaning cupboard again at rehearsals? I've been good, thanks" Finn comments dryly and I narrow my eyes at him.

"You act like last night wasn't fun" I point out, crossing my arms over my chest. Suddenly, I'm on the defensive again.

Finn huffs, and I have to bite my lip to stop myself saying something I'll regret.

"I didn't come here to argue with you" I tell him, taking a step towards him but changing my mind at the last second. But I quickly walk away and sit down on the sofa. "I want to clear the air, because like I said it isn't good for the show and it's making rehearsals difficult... And... And because I miss you"

"Yeah, well, I miss you too" Finn confesses, running a hand through his hair

"Plus I'm sick of spending my life arguing with people, it's all I ever seem to do" I sigh and Finn gives me a look. "What is that look for?"

"Because you do your fair share of causing arguments" Finn points out, taking a seat on the sofa. I pout. Deliberately, I take a seat on the same sofa, but right at the end, away from him.

"It takes two to cause an argument" I say and Finn sighs, nodding.

"I suppose you're right" He admits, looking at me "And at least you've been the bigger person and come to see me to sort things out"

"Yeah, I have" I sniffle, blinking my eyelashes at him. I see his expression soften. I know he's not really angry with me. Just like I'm not really angry with him.

From across the sofa, Finn reaches his arms out towards me "Come here" He says softly, and instantly I shuffle along the sofa into his arms.

He wraps his arms around me and I bury my head into his shoulder. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you I was quitting my job" Finn murmurs "I just didn't think about you because I was too busy thinking about us, I wanted the best for our relationship; I didn't think how it would impact you"

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