3. But I Can't Help Falling In Love With You

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In the car, Niall's mother smiles at her son, "Did you have fun?"

"Yeah I did, Harry and me just watched movies and stuff," she smiles as she knows what Anne had saw, Niall fast asleep on Harry, Maura would have liked to see that but oh well.

"Have you even come out to Harry yet Nialler?"

"No," Niall says sadly, "I know I should but he's happy so... so what?"

"You don't think he'll accept you, do you my boy?" Niall shakes his head.

"I think he has his mind set that I am straight."

"Well he shouldn't, are you ashamed of who you are? Because last time I checked you didn't give two fucks when you came out to me," Maura laughs at her son's ridiculousness.

"I know, but Harry's my best friend."

"Just your 'best friend'?" Maura says with a smile, leaving Niall a blushing confused mess and after that the rest of the journey is quiet.

Meanwhile at Harry's house,  Anne wants to know more about how she caught the two boys.

"I had to tuck you both into bed yesterday when I came home," Anne begins and Harry shakes his head, encouraging his mother to continue.

Harry's father was out on business trip and would be away for the next two weeks, but Harry didn't mind as he always brought back amazing presents.

"I saw you were both quite cuddled up, was Niall feeling okay?" Harry nods still not getting where his mother is going with this. Anne decides to leave out the hand holding observation.

"Yeah he was okay, he just needed comforting, I-I made sure he was okay and we must have fallen asleep," Harry says, falling over his words.

"Alright.." his mother mocks slightly.

"He's my best friend!"

"Just your 'best friend'?" and just like Niall, he's left blushing and confused.

Later in the evening they do their normal facetime call and they tell each other news from the day, Harry brings up his conversation with his mother.

"She asked you what?" Niall laughs his contagious laughter down the mic.

"She asked if you were just my best friend, I was like yeah mum, just because she saw us cuddle once! I said to her that you were just feeling down and needed comforting!" Niall smiles but stops laughing.

"Yeah!" he agrees and smiles still.

"Like can't I comfort my best friend?" Harry says and Niall's smile is finally being forced.

"I know right? Why do parents feel the nee- 'Niall dinner!' That's my mum, she says dinner's ready, cya later Harry," Harry says a quick bye before Niall ends the call. He's thankful of his dinner being made, not just because it's food, but because it saved him, yet again, from an explanation.

Niall joins his mum downstairs for dinner, it's been just the two of them as Niall's dad left when he was a baby and Niall's brother moved out when Niall was ten years old, but he still visits when he can.

"Talking to Harry again? You stayed with him yesterday, surely you aren't sick of each other," his mother teases and he laughs.

"We are friends and we are allowed to talk to each other, when we want." Maura nods and they eat their food in a comfortable silence until they're done.

"I'll wash up mum, you cooked!" Niall offers and his mum takes the offer, there's never much washing up as it's just the two of them.

As Niall washes the cups and plates up, he can't help but think about Harry, how Harry cuddled him last night, he longs for that feeling and can feel himself slowly regretting everything in his life, more like an existential crisis. He keeps thinking about life and questioning reality until two hands scare the living daylights out of him and he turns around having breathing difficulties. Harry stands there laughing his head off.

"Christ, Haz, you gave me a heart attack," in more than one way, Niall adds in his head.

"Sorry you looked so vulnerable, and scaring you is funny," Niall sarcastically laughs and tries to put a cup in the top cupboard, but struggles, Harry come behind him and places a hand on his hip, takes the glass from Niall's hold and puts it in its place. Niall turns around and Harry takes his hand off Niall's hip, leaving the latter feeling cold.

"You're so little," Harry says and smiles his adorably dorky smile. Niall just can't resist poking one of his dimples.

"I know, every short person needs a tall six foot friend to help them with everything," niall clarifies and Harry shakes his head.

"I'm five foot eleven," Niall shrugs.

"Nearly six foot," Harry nods and watches as Niall tries to put another glass in the cupboard.

"Ni, just let me do it," Harry laughs as Niall huffs and passes Harry the glasses.

"What are you doing here anyway?"

"You left your medicine at mine and my mum just brought some wine round too, because they're both single mums at the moment, she said she'd keep Maura company for a while, so who knows how long I'll be here, at least, we can just have another sleepover if they're here too long," Harry chuckles and that idea of staying with Harry and maybe even cuddling again fills Niall with some sort of feeling, that he gets, it seems to conquer his body.

"Sounds fun to me!" he smiles at Harry, who happily smiles back.

I Can't Help Falling In Love With You - Narry StoranWhere stories live. Discover now