15. Take My Whole Life, Too

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Harry doesn't know how to react, he's never been told he's liked up front that way. And he's rather shocked that Niall likes him, out of everyone in the world that Niall knows, he likes Harry the most. The brunette is unsure of how he didn't notice Niall likes him. Did the blonde ever show signs though? Maybe he did. And Harry was just being his oblivious self.

Right now though Harry can hear little sniffles and he instantly comes out of his daze and looks to Niall's shaking figure. This is the second time he's reacted to something Niall's  told him and upset the poor boy. But this time he knows that Niall really is upset. It's different this time.

"Nialler?" Harry gently whispers. Niall lets out a shaky breath and doesn't turn around.

"I understand if-if you don't wanna be my friend anymore," more tears fall from the blondes eyes and he says what he was thinking.

"Niall, that's not the case."

"B-but I've ruined our friendship now, I'm sorry," Harry's heart aches. It really aches. He doesn't know why he isn't just telling Niall about his recent feelings but they're a distant thought right now, all he wants is Niall to stop crying.

"No you haven't, please turn around?" Harry says in a pleading tone.

"Why? So y-you can laugh at me?" Niall cries and Harry has never felt worse to be honest.

"No! No! I would never laugh at you! Niall, please just turn around, I don't want you to feel sad by yourself, I don't like when you're upset and you're by yourself," little sobs come out Niall's mouth and it adds to Harry's guilty feeling.

"Please Niall," Harry says again and the blonde gulps and sniffs some more as he turns around, Harry smiles to himself in victory, but his best friend doesn't look at him. Harry frowns as he faces Niall, who keeps sniffling and wiping his eyes on his hand.

"Hey," Niall hums but doesn't look up at Harry, "I'm sorry if I was being quiet, but it just shocked me a little, you're still my friend Niall," Harry states.

Niall plays with his thumbs, still not looking at Harry.

"Why won't you look at me?" Harry says and feels his heart sink.

"I'm too ashamed and embarrassed with myself to look at you," Niall says quietly and wipes at his eyes again making it obvious that he's crying more.

"There's nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed of Nialler," Harry tells him in a reassuring tone. Niall sniffs and his tears keep falling, he really isn't sure why he's crying. He feels rather silly for crying really. Until he feels Harry's hand on his cheek, his warm large hand and can't help but snuggle into his touch.

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about," Harry says again for extra reassurance, his thumb gently wipes under Niall's eye and collects the tears, "but please don't cry anymore, it makes me sad when you're sad, my little Nialler, is the worst thing in the world," Harry says and Niall smiles a little bit.

"I'm sorry," Niall admits once more and wipes at his eyes.

"Don't be, I won't ever know how hard it was for you to admit that, but you should know I don't care, who you like, or who you want to be with," Harry's hand gently moves to Niall's chin and the blonde finally looks at him, "and I also know and are aware of how uncontrollable feelings are, and if you wanna like me, you fucking like me! I don't mind, because it's part of you and you can't stop it or change it, and most importantly, you're still my Nialler, my best friend. Its also important you remember you can't change who you are or what you feel."

Niall looks up at Harry in disbelief. He can't believe what an amazing person Harry is, how did he ever meet such an unbelievable person.

Niall shuffles until he's lying on Harry's chest and the brunette boy welcomes him with open arms.

"You're the bestest person ever, Harry Styles," Harry wraps his arms around Niall.

"Why, thank you," Harry jokes but knows Niall is serious.

"I mean it, you're unreal," Harry smiles and desperately wants to kiss Niall's head, but he refrains himself. Then Harry remembers something he once read... 'what's stopping you from doing what you want?'

So he does lean down and presses a little soft kiss to Niall's forehead.

Niall looks up at Harry with a confused expression.


"Why did you kiss my head?" Niall wonders out loud, not in a mean way but just wondering.

"Because I wanted to," Harry clarifies like its the most obvious thing in the world and Niall giggles, he lays back down on Harry's chest and picks at his fingers nervously.

"On the subject of... kissing, you really don't care that I'm think about kissing you most of the time?" Niall asks with nervousness laced in his voice.

"No, not at all, because in reality Nialler, what's stopping you from doing it?" Harry smirks.

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