8. Surely To The Sea

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"Ni!" Harry shouts for the blonde boy who's sat on the sand on Harry's phone.

"Yeah?" Harry motions for Niall to join him in the water and Niall shakes his head, Harry's on the surf board and Niall has been happily enjoying the view of how hot Harry looks surfing, shirtless and abs and muscles out. Niall is quite happy sat watching.

"Please Ni, it'll be fun, come on I'll teach you," Niall thinks about it, it means Niall could potentially have Harry pressed against his back and he's alright with that.

"What about your shirt? It'll get wet," Harry shrugs.

"Do you feel safe with it on?" Niall nods, "then leave it on, who cares if it gets wet, have fun, come on, come here and I'll teach you to surf."

Niall gets in the water and to his waist he shivers.

"Fuck, it's cold!" Harry laughs and since the surf board is attached to his ankle, he lets go of it and walks over to Niall, he gently grabs his hips and Niall likes where it's going before Harry picks him up and dives in the sea both of them going under.

"Dick!" Niall laughs and gasps at the chilly sea feeling when he resurfaces.

"You love me really," Harry laughs and Niall shakes his head.

"Asshole, I'm so cold!"

"But you're used to the water now, so I can teach you to surf," Harry says teasingly and Niall knows it's true, so he stands by Harry and the surf board.

"What do I do first?" he asks his best friend.

"Well, I think we'll sit on it first, get you used to the feeling, can you jump up on to it or do you need help?" Harry laughs at his midget friend.

"Rude.." Niall attempts to jump up and fails, falling face first into the ocean, Harry catches him and pulls him back up, "okay yes, I need help," they laugh as Harry holds Niall up, to stop him from drowning.

Harry gently lifts him up and places him on the surf board, before he jumps up, a wave comes along and gently rocks the board, making Niall cling to it, Harry laughs and climbs on the board, positioning himself behind Niall. He wraps his arms around Niall and the blonde boy clutches onto his arms and pushes himself back into Harry's chest.

"Hey, hey, you're okay, you're safe, I've got you, and I won't let you fall, I promise," Harry soothes in Niall's ear. Niall sort of relaxes a little but every time they're pushed forward by a wave, he jumps. And Harry laughs at him.

"What if I fall off? And lose my t-shirt,what if I die! Niall frets and freaks out, but Harry's got him.

"Nialler, you're not going anywhere, I've fucking got you! If you fall, I'm falling too!" Harry laughs and a big wave comes along, "there's a good wave coming, we're gonna surf it sitting down okay?" Niall nods and Harry's grip on him doesn't loosen at all, Harry just wants to make Niall feel safe.

The wave hits the back of the board and Niall squeaks but Harry and him soar forward and it's an amazing feeling, being taken away by the waves, they come to the shore and Harry lets him go once Niall is calm.

"That wasn't so bad, was it?" Harry asks and Niall shakes his head.

"Well done," Harry praises and they head back to sit down for a while. Harry wraps a towel around Niall when he shivers, but Harry was smart and brought extra t-shirts.

"Do you want a new t-shirt?" Niall nods as he won't be going in the freezing sea again, "I can hold the towel around you if you want?"

"Yes please," Niall has only ever really been comfortable with Harry seeing his stomach and non-existent abs, because Harry won't ever judge him.

As Niall is getting changed under the towel Harry holds up, a bunch of girls he recognises straight away come on to the beach and perfect, Selena's here, Niall thinks bitterly as she walks on the beach and smiles at Harry, who still doesn't let go of the towel until Niall says he's done.

"Hey guys," Selena says and Harry smiles at her.

"You can let go now Haz, thanks," Niall says shyly.

"You good?" Niall nods and looks away from Selena and Harry.

Selena heads off with the girls and says she'll be back in a second. Niall already feels left out and Harry is sat right next to him.

"I don't think I'll come in the water anymore, I just feel a bit shitty, the cold water hurts my head," Niall tells his best friend.

"Awh, well I hope you feel better by tonight and if you don't, then I guess I'll have to take care of you!" Niall smiles a little but his head really hurts and then Selena's back.

"Hey guys," Harry smiles up at her, looking at her in a way Niall can only ever wish he'd look at him.


"Hi Selena," Niall says shyly, Harry stands up with her whilst Niall stays sat down.

"Is this your surf board?" Harry nods.

"Yeah, it is, I can teach you to surf if you want to?" Harry offers and she nods.

"Are you coming back in the water Niall?" she asks him and he shakes his head.

"He doesn't feel too well, the cold water gives him headaches, kinda my fault, sorry Nialler, just keep yourself warm okay?" Harry says and Niall nods before borrowing Harry's sunglasses and wrapping his hoodie round him.

"Awh, I hope you feel better soon Niall," He smiles up at Selena, who looks sympathetic. Curse her for being so nice.

Niall spends the rest of the day sat on the side, watching Harry flirt with Selena and vise versa. It's torture for him, he doesn't want to be there watching, he wishes he could be in Selena's place. But he isn't and it hurts him.

His heart hurts because she's so lovely and actually perfect for Harry, Niall could be perfect for Harry. He wants to be, but Harry won't ever see him that way.

Harry comes back and sits by Niall after another half an hour of flirting.

"I asked her on a date and she said yes, we're going tomorrow! But don't worry, I'll still come to yours afterwards if you want?" Niall nods as he can't speak, you'd hear his heart break in his chest.

"Good, I'm happy for you, you seem happy, shall I text your mum?"

"Yeah! Yeah, I'll go tell Selena that we'll be going now," Niall nods as Harry walks off. He texts Harry's mum and she says she on her way. Harry collects the surfboard before he and Niall say bye to Selena and Selena kisses Harry's cheek telling him she'll see him tomorrow.

And the both boys excitedly get to Harry's house again. Well at least Harry's excited.

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