14. Take My hand

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Harry can't help himself. He feels awkward around Niall even when he's fast asleep, the blonde can't hear him, so he wonders why he's being so awkward about feelings.

He decides he doesn't like the silence of the midnight hour and pokes Niall a little until he stirs and is awake.

"Harry? Why?" he groans and Harry finds it adorable, he can't help but find what the boy does adorable. After all, Niall is really cute.

"Sorry, I'm bored, entertain me!" Harry whines quietly and Niall giggles softly and sleepily. He sits up and rubs at his eyes, the blanket sitting around Niall's waist. Harry's hands move there automatically and hold the boy in place. Harry likes the way his hands fit around Niall's waist as if it were made for him.

The blonde yawns and lays down on Harry's chest, his knees either side of Harry's hips and Niall's face pressed into his neck.

"What do you wanna do then?" Niall wonders out loud and waits for Harry's reply as he lays comfortably on the brunette.

"I don't know, how about another game of truths? It passes time, even if it's just stupid questions," Niall nods from his position against Harry.

"I guess I'll ask first," Niall nods again, "okay urm, what do you want to achieve in life?" Niall sits up and nearly falls back forwards again but Harry puts his hands up and stops the giggling boy from falling. Niall links his hands with Harry's for support but none of them could ever deny the love they're feeling.

"I'd like to achieve full happiness, and a nice home and family, a husband I love and maybe some children, I don't really want to be... out there or famous, it doesn't really appeal to me," Harry listens carefully through Niall's sleepy voice, he likes to hear about the blondes dreams, they're always so wonderful. Harry nods at Niall's answer, still holding his hands.

"What about you Haz? What do you want?" what do I want? Harry questions himself.

"I don't really know, I guess the same as you to be honest, I just want a nice family, loving and caring, a family I can always count on, a significant other I know will always be there for me," Harry sighs and Niall hums. They sit together for a while, well Niall sat on Harry and their hands joined between them, gently rocking back and to. Harry blushes. He doesn't mean to but he blushes as he realises how they're sat, but he thanks the dark, so Niall can't see it.

"Even if you don't find someone like that, I'm always here Hazza," Niall says the nickname in a joking way making them both let out little giggles.

"Okay, so what do you look for in a guy?" Harry asks Niall. The blonde boy shrugs.

"I just want someone to love me for me, you know? And appreciate the small things. I want someone who I can have tones of fun with but we still can be like best friends.. but protect each other like siblings and fight like a married couple. You know? I don't really look for much," Niall jokes a little at the end of being serious.

"So you want, correct me if I'm wrong, a best-brother-husband-friend- boyfriend?" Niall laughs and it makes the brunette smile as the blondes laughter is definitely his favourite sound. Especially when Niall is extra sleepy.

"Yeah, you could say so, what do you want?" Niall asks his best friend once they've stopped laughing.

"I don't know, I don't really like anyone that much anymore, thought I liked Selena but probably just liked the attention I was getting from her," Harry blushes even more as he knowingly lies to his friend about not liking anyone. He knows he likes Niall. 

"Ah well, some things are like that," Niall shrugs again. Still holding onto Harry's hands tightly, but relaxed and casually.

"Alright, Ni, you gotta like someone," Harry starts and the blonde tries hard not to tense up, he succeeds, "so tell me, do you like... George? On the football team?" Niall shakes his head and rolls off of Harry, gently letting his hands go. Harry turns to face him and they lay facing each other.

"Okay, what about.... Calum? You know he's in our maths class on a Friday," Harry says and Niall shakes his head again. Feeling embarrassed for nothing.

"Right... urm what about-"

"You!" Niall blurts out and quickly covers his mouth, then looks down as his cheeks nearly burst from redness.

"What?" Harry asks after a second of silence.

"You... I like you," Niall admits and the room is silent. Harry can't believe his ears. Niall likes him? Him? Out of everyone why him? Why Harry?

But on the other hand, Niall can't believe he said that and he's frightened by how silent Harry is being.

"Sorry," the blonde mutters under his breath and he feels himself getting more and more emotional over nothing really, but Harry isn't talking. So Niall conludes he doesn't accept him anymore like he did when he came out, he doesn't accept him or want him as his best friend anymore. He thinks he's weird and a freak now and Niall knows that's what Harry is thinking. Even though the brunette is thinking the exact opposite.

Niall turns around in the bed, away from Harry and he's not sure why tears start forming in his eyes at all the thoughts he's having about this. He ruined their friendship, he never meant to but he did. He never wanted to but that's what happened. But mostly Niall can't help but cry at himself for being this pathetic.

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