9. Darling, So It Goes

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Harry's mum came and got them off the beach, Harry made sure to say a proper goodbye to Selena's and also getting her number in the process.

Niall is happy and proud of Harry as he's buzzing in the car and the journey home, as he tells his mum how he actually asked her out, Anne knows though, she knows that Niall hasn't come out to Harry and Maura said to her they'd make a cute couple. But Harry seemed pretty excited about his date with Selena.

"Are you coming to ours tonight Niall?" Harry's mother asks and Niall nods.

"Yeah, I am," he chuckles lightly and she smiles.

When they arrive at Harry's, the brunette makes sure that Niall has a pair of comfortable sweats to sleep in and tshirt of his choice.

"I prefer not to sleep with a shirt on, is that okay?" Harry asks, he doesn't want to make the boy uncomfortable.

"It's okay, it's your house, you sleep how you want to, when you're not staying at mine or vice versa, I'll sleep in just sweats," Niall admits and he accent always goes thicker when he's tired.

"Why not now?" Harry asks. He knows Niall has scars that he's regretful of, and he knows that Niall is nervous about everything. But Harry thinks he's cut- What am I thinking? I have a date tomorrow with a hot girl, Niall is my best friend.

"I-I don't know really, I'm just insecure I guess,"  Harry frowns.

"No, you shouldn't be, I've told you, you're perfect the way you are and should never change, what makes you insecure?" Niall feels stupid but he has to tell Harry.

"Everything, your body makes me feel insecure," he answers truthfully looking away from Harry's toned abs.

"Hey," Harry says softly and walks to Niall where he's stood. He gently takes Niall's chin in his hand and lifts his head up, "you're perfect, just. the. way. you. are," Harry puts emphasis on each word. Just to drill it into Niall's head.

"Okay," Niall finally agrees and can't help but stare at Harry's abs, wanting nothing more than to touch them.

Harry climbs in his bed and Niall follows shortly, but leaves the shirt on. Preferring not to remove it.

Harry puts 'Guardians of the Galaxy' on, needing a good laugh and then sit and watch for a while. Just laughing at stupid things.

Somethings on Niall's mind though, and Harry knows there's something, but Niall is always the same, he won't talk unless talked to. That's why Harry took him under his wing.

"Nialler.." Harry pokes his friends arm and Niall looks to Harry from the TV screen where the film is almost over.


"Somethings bugging you what is it?" Harry looks at the time and it says 23:47pm, he knows it's late now and sometimes Niall gets sad when it's late at night. But Niall isn't sad, he can tell.

"I don't know," Niall blushes because he knows exactly what he wants to say but he struggles.

"No you do know don't you, come on tell me," Harry turns his TV and his light off so Niall feels more comfortable in the darkness.

"It's quite important," Niall says and Harry nods.

"Alright, what is it?"

"Please don't judge me or think of me any differently," Niall barely whispers.

"Niall please just tell me, you're scaring me, are you dying?" Harry asks urgently as they both lie down. Niall not making eye contact.

"No! I'm not dying Harry," Niall giggles at little as Harry lets out a relived sign.

"Oh good, then come on what is it?" Harry urges and Niall feels like he's over reacting over this but it's Harry and he's scared to lose the friendship.

"I have to tell you that.. urm.. I'm gay," Harry doesn't react at first, just still has a stupid smile on his face.

"Really?" Harry asks.

"Yeah," Niall says in a shaky breath. And then Harry is laughing. Niall knew telling Harry was a bad idea.

Harry laughs a lot and Niall turns around tears forming in his eyes, he has his back to Harry and a tear escapes his eye. He knew he shouldn't of told Harry, but now he knows and Harry definitely doesn't accept Niall anymore and it just makes the blonde boy shake with fear and loneliness.

"Hey, Ni," Harry finally stops laughing and Niall can't control his sobs and small whimpers as his mind replays Harry's laughing.

"Y-you don't accept me anymore," Niall cries and Harry feels so bad. He's never liked upsetting his best friend.

"Hey! That is not the case! Nialler, you are my bestest friend in the whole wide world, and I've told you you're perfect just the way you are so many times, turn around," Niall does as told and Harry sees his red tear stained eyes straight away, and gently wipes the tears away.

"I'm sorry I laughed," Harry says as he gently wipes under Niall's other eyes with his thumb, "I found it funny you were nervous to tell me, and think I don't accept you, or care about that, I care about your safety and whether or not you're okay, not whether or not you like dudes or girls! I don't care! You're my best friend, I don't give a shit what you like!" Niall smiles at Harry for that.

"Fucking come here and stop being silly, I still want to cuddle you," Niall happily scoots across and lays on Harry once again.

"You're an amazing friends Harry Styles," Harry hums in response.

"Why thank you, just don't hit on me," Harry says in a teasing tone that Niall knows too well. The blond looks up at Harry and he laughs, "but I need my ego stroked." Niall laughs before laying back on Harry's chest.

"You're hot," the blonde boy clarifies.

"Thanks," they both laugh and eventually fall fast asleep together. And Niall has never slept better in his life.

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