17. For I Can't Help Falling In Love With You.

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They've been together for about six months and thirteen days; not that Harry's counting.

But Niall has never been happier, all they do is act the same with a label and few kisses. Anne was definitely not shocked when Harry told her. He was nervous at first, and Niall remembers it like it was yesterday.

Harry had said to his mum he needed to tell her something, Niall and Harry had only been together for two weeks at the time, Niall's mum already knew but Harry was scared.

Harry told her and his mum cheered. Saying how she knew they were together secretly. And her, Maura, Niall and Harry had a little party to celebrate at Harry's house and maybe a little bit too much to drink. But it often leads to some form of making out and grinding.

When they wake up the next morning though, half naked and slightly sticky, they question what went on.

"Why are we naked? And sticky?" Harry questions, his head pounding a little.

"I don't know, think it might be come," Niall speaks slowly, and Harry can't get over Niall's morning voice, the boy sounds as if he's been sucking dick for hours.

"Well, it's gross, wanna take a shower?" Niall looks up from where he's face planting Harry's chest in the most comfortable way.


"Yeah why not?" Harry chuckles and gently plays with his boyfriends hair.

"Okay, in a few minutes," Niall lies back down and cuddles closer to Harry. His leg over Harry's legs and his arms right around Harry waist.

"You're gonna fall back asleep aren't you?" Harry laughs when Niall nods, "motherfucker." Niall's giggle rings in Harry's ears.

"I'm your boyfriend and you love me, so you'll let me," Niall says with his face smushed against Harry.

"True, I do love you very much," Niall smiles and leans up, the two of them sharing a little kiss, "but we need to shower," he says and in a quick manoeuvre he grabs the blonde and flings him over his shoulder. Standing up and walking towards his bathroom.

"Harry!!" Niall giggles and it's Harry's favourite sound. Niall gives in eventually and lays against Harry's warm muscled back. Harry plonks him down soon enough and their height difference is revealed once again. Niall smiles up at Harry and the brunette can't help but rub his boyfriends little chubby cheeks with the expression, "cutie."

Harry is the first to get undressed as Niall is a little bit unsure. He looks uneasy to Harry as the curly haired lad had never had the issue of being naked, but Niall. He wasn't so sure about it.

"Hey," Harry says shortly after he notices how uneasy his boyfriend is.

"Sorry- I just- I don't know," Niall says for no reason as he looks away from Harry who's butt naked.

"There's no reason to be sorry, you don't have to join me."

"But I want to," Niall looks up at Harry's eyes and Harry decides helps him. He walks to Niall until he's in front of him. The brunette places his hands on the hem of Niall's shirt and looks the blonde in the eyes.

"You know I love you, every inch of you, I don't care what's there, I just need you to trust me and I promise you'll always feel like a princess," Harry places a soft little kiss on Niall's forehead as the blonde giggles at the name princess and pulls the tshirt over Niall's head. Harry frowns when the blonde almost instinctively covers his stomach with his arms

"Baby, don't cover yourself, you know I will absolutely never ever never ever judge you don't you?" the blonde nods, "do you wanna leave your boxers on or take 'em off?" Harry asks and gently takes Niall's hands away from his stomach holding them in his own.

I Can't Help Falling In Love With You - Narry StoranWhere stories live. Discover now