Edmund betrays Lucy

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Hermione's POV

"Peter, Peter wake up! It's there, it's really there!" Lucy cries.

Lucy woke me and Susan up at night and now trying to wake Peter up. I just hate that git. I am totally not grouchy since I've been used to being woken up and staying up at/until the dead of night with all the crazy adventures I've had with Harry.

"Lucy, what are talking about?" Peter says while rolling around half asleep.

"Narnia! It's all in the wardrobe, like I told you!" Lucy exclaims as if or was Christmas which I don't celebrate.

"Oh Lucy, you've been dreaming" Susan says. I wish I can step in and say I believe her because that would be crazy and it would get both me and Lucy into loads of trouble with Susan and Peter.

"But I haven't! I've seen Mr. Tumnus again! Oh, and this time - Edmund went too" that I was surprised of.

"You saw the faun?" Peter asks Edmund but he shakes his head.

"Well, he didn't actually go there with me. ... What were you doing Edmund?" Lucy says being confused herself.

" I-I was just playing along. I'm sorry, Peter. I shouldn't have encouraged her. You know what little children are like these days. They just don't know when to stop pretending" Edmund says. I could see the glazed look in his eyes, I've only seen it on the people who had been caught by the imperious curse. The imperious curse persuades and makes someone else do anything, only a few powerful people were able to break control. I felt sick cause Edmund was looking at Lucy who was devastated, but I didn't keep anything against him.

Lucy runs out of the room crying while Susan follows her. Peter scrambles out of the way and pushes Edmund before running after them. I stayed back to help Edmund up. "I know this is not exactly you. I promise I'll try to help as best as I can" I whisper in Edmund's ear before running after the three Pevensie's.

When I got downstairs I find Lucy hugging and crying on grand dad (Professor Kirke). It was amusing to see the shocked and bewildered look on gramps face. But Mrs.Macready had to barge in ruining the moment "You children are one shenanigan shy of sleeping' in the stable- oh, Professor! I'm sorry. I told them you were not to be disturbed."

"It's alright, Mrs. Macready. I'm sure there's an explanation. But I think this one is in need of some hot chocolate" typical grand dad, he hates to see crying children. He made sure I had everything I wanted when I visited him when I was younger so I didn't cry.

"Yes Professor. Come on, dear" sometimes I compare Mrs. Macready to a dog since she follows gram like one. When Lucy and Mrs.Macready are gone Susan and Peter turn to go. "Ahem" me and gramp says at the same time. It's funny how we think the same, but they all say 'great minds think alike'.

5 minutes later.....

Right now we're in gramps office. He's currently smoking tobacco and staring at Susan and Peter for an explanation. Me being grampa's girl I stand right next to where he's sitting.

"You seem to have upset the internal balance of my housekeeper" great way to state that Macready is going crazy.

"We are very sorry sir, it won't happen again" Peter says starting to leave. Wow won't even tell him what happened. Peter is not just a horrible person but a stupid one at that.

"It's our sister, sir. Lucy" Susan says clearly defying Peter. Now I know why she's the smart one.

"The weeping girl?" Gramp asks. Weeping?, why not crying girl, weeping sounds more sophisticated.

"Yes, sir. She's upset" Susan states the obvious.

"Hence the weeping" like I said great minds thing alike. You might think Hermione Granger "the brightest witch of her age" talking and having internal conversation is crazy but I can't help it.

"It's nothing. We can handle it!" Peter says taking Susan's sleeve. Peter always thinks he can handle things without other people's help

"Oh, I can see that" grampa says sarcastically. Take that Peter. I feel concerned that I'm turning more childish.

"She thinks she's found a magical land..." Susan starts. "...in the upstairs wardrobe" and at this he stands up quickly which startles Susan.

"What did you say?" Gramp asks again.

This time it is Peter that answered " The wardrobe upstairs. Lucy thinks she's found a forest inside."

We on the two couches. Peter and Susan sits across me and grand dad.

"She won't stop going on about it" Susan says getting more comfortable about talking to Professor Kirke about this.

"What was it like?" He asks more curious which gets me interested. There must be a reason why gramps is curious.

"Like talking to a lunatic!" Susan says her voice getting higher.

"No, not her - the forest!" Gramps said calming her down.

"You're not saying you believe her?" Peter said looking flabbergasted.

"You don't?" Gramp asks. Wow what is it, confusion day.

"Of course not. I mean, logically, it's impossible" Susan says convinced that its impossible for that to happen.

"What do they teach ain schools these days?" Gramp asks himself. I inwardly sigh in relief that I'm not the only one that talks to themselves.

"Edmund said they were only pretending" Peter said trying to convince grampa.

"And he's usually the more truthful one, is he?" Gramps countered. Nice one.

"No...this would be the first time" Peter says thoughtfully.

"So, if she's not mad and she's not lying, then logically...we must assume she's telling the truth" professor said using Susan's words against her.

"You're saying we should just believe her?" Peter asks quietly most probably having an internal battle.

"She's your sister, isn't she? You're a family. You might just try acting like one" professor finishes.


This chapter had to be small cause I wanted to put the story in logical order.

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For the next chapter.

Love you all- Addison 🐚

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