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Hermione's POV

We were in Jadis's castle. Me and Susan are helping Lucy find Mr.Tumnus. It's really hard since the place is filled with statues!

Lucy find the statue and starts to cry.

"Lucy, you do know that I can do magic" I said with a smirk.

"Regelo" I chant with my wand pointed towards Tumnus.

Tumnus falls forward into Lucy and Susan's arms when he was unfrozen.

"Come, we must search the castle - others may still be trapped inside and Peter will need all the help he can get" Aslans says.


"Impossible!" Jadis yells as Aslan, me, Susan and Lucy bring an army with us.

Jadis pins Peter to the ground and was going to kill him.

"PETER!!!" I scream.

Aslan jumps knocking the witch off Peter and finishing her story once and for all.

"It is finished" Aslan says walking towards us.

"Where's Edmund?" I ask.

I saw the dwarf going to kill Edmund. Pulling out my wand I yell "Avada Kedavera!" and the dwarf falls dead.

I run towards Edmund as he coughs and gasps.

"Lucy!" I call and once she came over I took her cordial and put one drop in Edmund's mouth.

With that he sits right up. "When are you ever going to do are you're told?" Peter asks.

Lucy ran to help the wounded while Aslan and myself went to restore everyone that was turned to stone.


Third chapter in a day. I might not continue into Prince Caspian.

Happy Holidays! ~ Addison =D

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