9 • Kidnap the Prude

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Happy Halloween? I hope you could give this chapter a vote! ^^

Jimin's POV

It was quarter to six when I finally arrived at Song J Café, the shop where I had been working for a long time now. I took out a deep breath of relief as I entered the Café. The familiar aroma of black coffee and roasted beans shot through my nose as soon as I went in. 

The scent helped me calm down inside. It feels like a different world but with a warm and comfortable setting. I may just be washing the dishes here, but Thank God, I was placed to work in such a beautiful and relaxing place!

Soon my co-workers glanced at me. They showed small smiles as a form of greeting. I didn't really feel their interest to befriend me, but at least they acknowledged and respected me. I bowed to them as I walked through the kitchen area, and I noticed a few of them eyeing my broken glasses. 

They seemed curious, however they didn't try to ask me what was wrong. And I think that's better since I don't want to talk about it.

Though I'd tried to leave today's school memories outside before I entered the Café, there was still an uncomfortable sensation moving around my body as I could still feel Jungkook's grip around my wrist. 

When I had left the school, I had constantly looked at my wrists, making sure he was indeed not holding me anymore. I'd kept on looking at my back too, as I was becoming paranoid about him following me on my way to my work. It was such a relief to me that he finally respected my desire to have my time alone.

I walked ahead towards the employees' changing rooms and immediately closed the door behind me. The dressing mirror welcomed me right away, and the first thing I saw was my poor glasses. My chest heaved in dismay at the thought of having to buy new ones.

Averting my gaze to the side, I hurriedly approached the faucet and pulled out my dental hygiene kit. While being slightly aggressive at brushing my teeth, Jungkook's face suddenly came to my mind. And it was followed by the fresh recollection of how he went ballistic out of hearing the mere mention of the truth from my very mouth.

That varsity player, Jeon Jungkook - I always hear my classmates wanting him so bad. I've never heard of anyone rejecting him before me. He has always been highly desired by quite a lot of students on the campus, regardless of his wicked behavior and rebel reputation. I guess people like him tend to attract people because he seemed like someone who would bring excitement to one's life.

Unlike people like me, who were referred to as the boring ones. If people chose to befriend me, they would definitely get tired of being with me so easily. Joy is right. I have nothing to offer. So it was just understandable why people avoided my humble being.

Without realizing it, I had unconsciously slowed down my pace at brushing my teeth. Doing my best to get the petty scene out of my mind, I hit the side of my head before I spat the remaining foaming toothpaste out of my mouth.

Before I stripped of my long polo that was full of sweat, I turned away from the mirror and faced the door, then started unbuttoning it. I took it off and hurriedly put my uniform on.

I got out of the room to go to my usual spot in the kitchen area, the kitchen area. Honestly, I know how to bake, and I love doing that! But I prefer to be employed to wash dishes as I'm still not ready to face the criticism I could get once I try to bake anything in this shop. I'm too afraid to deal with angry customers!

If they start criticizing my skills and talents, I'd get stressed over it and fall into a massive mental breakdown. And that was one of the sickening things I was always avoiding to experience - for my talents to get insulted. Hopefully, someday I could get enough courage to face that fear.

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