02 | nicknames & questions

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The three of us turned to him. I quickly snatched the hoodie away from Shaun and handed it to him. Once he got back his hoodie, he turned away without saying 'thank you'. I wanted to yell and hit him so badly but I only ended up mouthing 'FUCK YOU' and giving him both of my middle fingers to him even though his back was facing us.

"Is that your ex?" I nodded while looking at Brad walking further and further away from me.

"Well, fuck him, let's go." He put his arm around my shoulders and dragged me with him. I quickly looked at Cody, he didn't look angry or nervous, but instead he gave me a smirk. Weird.

This is normal, it's just a friendly gesture. Don't let him get to you, I reminded myself again and again.

As I took my first step in the hallway, everyone was looking at me, or should I say, us. I immediately pushed Shaun's arm away from my shoulder and gave him an awkward smile once the revelation hit me.

He was a heartbreaker, a fuckboy, I shouldn't get attached and I couldn't afford to get attached because in the end, I would be the one getting hurt, not him, not us. Because in the little brain of his, there would never be an us.

I was walking in between Cody and Shaun. Tim, Brian, Tyler and Sara were waiting for us at the corner. Sara and Tyler's hands were all over each other. Disgusting. But back when I was still with Brad, we were almost like that too. Keyword, almost.

"Ah... The Cs!" Brian shouted.

"Friends meet Shaun, Shaun meet friends," I said to them.

"Hey guys, I'm Shaun." Everyone started to give him a bro fist while Sara nodded to him with a friendly smile. Tim, my best friend wasn't as excited as the others. He must've been thinking what I was thinking.

"So... Do you play basketball?" He nodded. The boys' eyes widened and started asking him basketball related questions. All of the boys were into basketball, including me. As for Sara, she was a swimmer and she swims like a freaking mermaid.

Sara dragged me aside and there was a big smirk across her lips. "What?" I asked.

"He's hot!"

"You have a boyfriend," I stated.

"Yeah I know, I was just telling you about it." She looked at Shaun and then back at me, "Babe, go get him!"

"No! Gosh! He's just my neighbor! I just met him yesterday for fuck's sake." And he's another heartbreaker.

"Alright, little Co, we'll see." She giggled and returned to Tyler's arms.

After Sara, it was Tim. He seemed to be pretty uncomfortable around Shaun. "What's up with the new kid? I heard people saying the three of you came to school together."

"Uh, yeah. He's my new neighbor." Tim nodded emotionlessly as he walked away when the bell rang after telling me to 'enjoy' my classes.

Just when I was about to leave, Shaun wrapped his hand around my wrist and dragged me along with him.

"Wait what? What the heck?" I paused my footsteps, confusion in my head.

"You and I." He pointed at the both of us, "Have Biology together."

I pushed away his hand and walked to the Biology lab with Shaun following me at the back. What was his problem? I didn't need a guide to guide me to the lab, I've been here longer than he did.

The moment we entered the lab, everyone was staring, at Shaun, of course. The girls were drooling and I could hear some whispering about how good looking, how hot, how attractive, how handsome he was.

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