34 | hooked

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It was Shaun Junior. Shoot me.

Actually, I didn't have to shoot myself, I could just die from embarrassment.

"Why are you having a boner here? Are you spying at another girl's tits or ass?" I scowled at his ear. "Why would I spy at someone else's body when I have you to look at?"

My God.

"Stop it! Make it like go down or something!" I realized I've said way louder than I should when Gale and Brian began staring at me weirdly.

"Make what go down?" Brian asked and I looked at Shaun for answers. Maybe I should just get off his lap. I stepped down and adjusted my dress properly before sitting on the stool next to Shaun's.

"Nothing," Shaun quickly said. Brian shrugged it off easily except for Gale. Just because Gale and Shaun were best friends, I bet he knew what was happening. Then Gale's lips pulled up into a smirk.

"What?" Shaun asked before biting his lip to hide his smile. "I don't know man, you tell me." He winked and chucked down his beer. Before he walked to the dance floor, he came between Shaun and I and whispered, "Is it big enough for you, Cora? Are you impressed?"

I facepalmed myself and slammed my face onto the table. Screw you, Gale! My face was heating up so badly and I was so embarrassed. Who the hell would ask me a question about my boyfriend's dick? Even my boyfriend himself didn't!

I looked at Shaun awkwardly but he just smiled at me and told me to ignore Gale. And so we did. We acted as if nothing happened and we were back to normal. The problem was, we were acting. Every time we touched or brushed against each other, the sexual tension would increase and my stomach would twist into a thousand knots. Damn him for making me feel such a way.

I thought we were always a clean couple but turna out, we were actually hiding our desires deep inside our hearts. The moment I saw him half naked in his room the first day I met him, I already had the urge to wrap myself around him. I knew it was there all along and I was freaking proud of myself for holding it back. But tonight...

The black dress.

His stupid boner.

Everything in me ignited.

I cleared those dirty thoughts I had about Shaun and quickly dragged him up from his stool. "I wanna dance."

He looked down and then back at me. "Uh... Okay."

We sway side by side with perfect chemistry and when I moved closer to him, I could feel Shaun Junior growing again. Instead of scolding him for being disgusting, I laughed and hid my face in his neck. His lips were plastered on my neck and I could feel him smile against it.

"Asshole," I muttered and laughed again.

"Hey, I can't control these shit. If I could, I would but... It's not my fault that my girlfriend's hot right?" Always a sweet talker. I shook my head and laughed.

"C'mon, I think they're about to leave." He held my hand and led me out of the dance floor.

Brian as usual, was drunk and he couldn't even stand up straight. I quickly ran to him to support him. He was half laughing, half crying. "B-Blue..." He mumbled. My heart clenched and I felt sad for him. Brian hated crying because it shows a sign of weakness but whenever he starts drinking too much, which only happens once in a blue moon, his tears would spill out and he would let everything out.

I've told Shaun partly about Brian before and he understood. So when I slung an arm over Brian's shoulder to help him into Tyler's car, instead of standing there getting jealous, he came to help me.

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