16 | the nightmare

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Flashback to two winters ago.

"Noah, you got to teach me how to drive."

"Fuck off bro, I have work to do. Mum said there is going to be some meeting tonight." As usual, his hands were on the keyboard, busy doing his shit.

"Fuck you, Noah. It'll only take less than an hour."

"Fine, asshole. Grab the car keys."

I walked to key holder hanging on the wall. Since dad was out with his other car, I'd thought it would be cool to take his white BMW. "Seriously? You're taking dad's car?" Noah asked.

"Duh, you said he would be coming back after the meeting right? He won't find out, trust me," I reassured him. "If we ever get into any shitty trouble, blame's on you, bro."

"We definitely won't."

I got in the car and shut the door. "You ready, Shaun?"

"What do you think? I'm all prepared." I started the engine and released the break. I stepped on the gas and drove out of our house.

"Dude, help me make sure there are no cops around," I said while turning to the left. "No sign of cops. Don't worry little bro."

"Before you turn, make sure you turn on the sig-Yeah that's right, and before-Uhuh okay..."

I continued driving for the next ten minutes until Noah told me to stop by the road to take a rest. "This is going fucking great. Let's take this to the highway." I smirked.

"No, no highway. I'll fucking kill you." My brother wasn't one to take risk, he was exactly the opposite of me. He would only play the safe card, which was why I would always be the one causing trouble and he would always be the one solving it for me.

"I was doing so well just now. Hell, do you trust me or not?" My brother could never say no to me, he was the best brother everyone could ask for. And I always had a way with him.

"Fine, nothing over 60 kilometers per hour because it's winter." I nodded my head and rushed inside my father's BMW.

"Let's get the show on the road." I started the engine. I was going 65 kilometers per hour, Noah didn't seem to notice it. Slowly, I went faster and faster and the last thing I remembered was seeing a truck coming towards Noah's direction.

Little did I know that that would be the last time seeing my brother alive.

I woke up and saw shiny bright lights and a white ceiling. Where the fuck am I? Was the first thing that I was thinking of.

What was the next thought? Where the hell was Noah.

I quickly got up but my best friend was suddenly next to me, pushing me back down to the bed. My whole body felt like it was crushed into a million pieces. My left arm, left leg and my forehead was bandaged. That fucking car accident. Brandon and Jared that were sitting at the couch stood up and came closer to me.

"Where the fuck's my brother?" No answer.

"Bran? Jared?" The both of them lowered their heads, not saying anything to me.

"GALE!" I shouted at him but he continued looking down at his shoes. Did something happen to Noah? No, no, no. Stay optimistic.

"Gale, where's Noah?" Suddenly, the door burst open, revealing my mother. Her eyes were red and puffy, telling me something bad has happened. It fucking can't be.

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