36 | don't look back

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"Can we welcome the nominees for the 2016 Prom Queen award?" Savannah, Stacey, no doubt, and Sara were up on stage. "There seems to be one more nominee, Cora Leighton, are you there?" What? Since when I was one of the nominees?

"Babe, you're up. Go." Shaun gave me a small push and helped me up stage.

When all of the nominees were up on stage, I glanced at Stacey for a moment and she gave me a smile. It wasn't a real smile that was asking for forgiveness, it was a fake smile to win the crowd, to show that we weren't against each other anymore.

Well, she can kiss my ass.

"And the winner is..." The announcer gave a signal for some drumroll but before he could announce the winner's name, someone shouted.


Stupid Shaun.

I could feel my cheeks heating up. The announcer laughed at Shaun's actions. "Now, now. I know you love your girl a lot man, but you gotta calm down yeah?" Everyone laughed and my cheeks were starting to hurt from smiling.

"Alright back to business. The 2016 Prom Queen of Gardens High is... Well, Shaun,  it seems to me that you're right, it's Cora Leighton!"

No way.

I stood at my spot frozen until Sara came and pushed me forward so I could receive the crown. I spotted Shaun in the crowd as he winked at me and blew me a kiss.

"And now... Can we get the nominees for the Prom King award?" One by one, they all got up the stage. Shaun, Cody, Tyler and Brad...?

"The 2016 Prom King of Gardens High is..."

Shaun. Shaun. Shaun. Shaun. Shaun.


"You must be fucking with me," I said, not because he won but because I had to slow dance with him as the royalties of the night. I'd rather not win Prom Queen.

I looked at Shaun and he was taking long deep breaths to calm himself down. Instead of walking down the stage with Brad, I walked to Shaun and held his hand. "It's just three minutes, just one dance then I'm yours for the night."

"You mean you're mine forever?"

"That works too." I gave him a wink before taking Brad's arm awkwardly.

If this happened a year ago, I would've been the happiest girl on earth and we'd look like the most perfect couple ever. But now it just looked... Weird.  A pair of ex-lovers was crowned as Prom King and Queen and was forced to dance together.

"How are we going to do this..." I mumbled to myself but Brad took my arms and wrapped it around his neck and wrapped his around my waist. "Just friends, I promise."

"Just friends," I repeated his words and started swaying side by side with him.

Back then, we would have a comfortable silence just by looking at each other's eyes but now it was pure awkward silence so I had no choice but to make up a conversation. "So how are you doing? Any new girl?"

He pursed his lips and shook his head. "Nah man, there aren't any new girls after you. And I made a big mistake and I'm scared that I'd hurt someone else again like how I've hurt you."

"There are still a lot of chances for you to begin again, especially in college. Everyone makes mistakes but don't let it become a scar to you. I'm not saying that making a mistake is not something bad but if you do, learn from your mistakes. The one will come when it's time, just make sure you don't fuck it up." He chuckled at my words. "I most definitely won't. Thank you Cora."

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