33 | raging

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"Can we all please welcome Shaun Dashing up stage?"

What the hell did he have in mind? I was sure as hell that there weren't any 'Shaun Dashing performances' in the schedule. What was he up to and what the hell was my brother up to? I turned to my right and saw Shaun preparing to get up from his seat. I got a hold of his wrist before he managed to go up there and do anything stupid.

"What the hell are you doing?" He gently pushed my hand away from his wrist with a reassuring smile on his face. I was angry with Shaun but then deep inside, I still didn't want him to embarrass himself to do something that he would regret later on. I groaned and shook my head at his stupid act. Honestly, what the fuck was he doing?

He walked past his parents and got a bouquet of red roses. Please don't tell me he's doing what I'm thinking he is. He got up the stage and went directly to where Cody stood previously. Burying my face into my hands, I groaned again and mumbled, "What the hell is he up to right now..."

Then a hand was placed on my shoulder, it kept shaking me. "Uhm... Woman? Your boyfriend." He pointed at Shaun that was standing on the stage with a wide grin on his face. Without using the microphone, he yelled out the words that I wanted him to say to me after the encounter I had with Brad.


Of course, as stupid as always, he forgotten to call out for my name but our relationship was no stranger to everyone in this school, so there were more than 300 pairs of eyes staring at me. Not knowing what to do or how to react, I elbowed Tim at the side and whispered, "What the hell am I going to do right now?"

"Get out there, you stupid fuck!" He pulled me up and pushed me. I stared at Sara with shock and she just returned me a smirk.

My legs were trembling while walking to the stage. 300 pairs of eyes were staring at us. "So will you?" He asked, his smile was still on his face and his freaking dimples were showing. This bastard. He was using all his old tactics to make me say yes.


Big crowd.

Cute smile.

But even though he didn't have those, I would still say yes.


It was soft but it was loud enough for him to hear, for the crowd to hear. After accepting the roses, he lifted me up the air and spun me around. The whole crowd cheered for him and there were so many flashes. It was like us in the red carpet. Coincidently, the both of us were the first ones to collect our diplomas. Shaun carried me in bridal style to collect both of our diplomas. No matter how I've scolded and hit him to put me down, he didn't bother to let me down. Shaun continued carrying me down the stage until we were at our seats.

"Still angry at me?" For a moment, I wanted to slap that smirk off his face but knowing me, I would never be able to bear him being hurt. So I rolled my eyes and bit my lip to hide my smile. He lightly nudged me at the shoulder. "C'mon, Princess, admit it."

"Yaya," I told him and he whispered 'yes' as if it was the achievement of his life. Stupid boy, I thought and smirked.

Once the graduation ceremony was over, we got out of the hall and my parents wanted another picture of my brother and I in a graduation gown. I climbed onto Co's back for the picture. Without him, I wouldn't be able to survive high school myself. It was him who helped me through Brad and Stacey. After my brother, it was another picture with Shaun. He once again carried me in bridal style and I giggled like a small kid. Before my parents said 'three' and snap the photo, he planted a soft kiss on my cheek, causing the grin on my face to widen.

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