04 | close call

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I headed towards the cafeteria and the first thing I saw was Shaun sitting beside Stacey. What the fucking hell? The moment Stacey saw me, she moved herself to his lap. Shaun was looking at Stacey all the time, smiling at her, laughing at her silly jokes.

How funny could her jokes be? Oh wait, was it 'How I would open my legs far open in a million ways for you?' Oh no, Stacey Jennings, this was going way too far.

No one touches whatever that was mine. Wait, what the fuck? No. She can do whatever she wants to him. I looked away and ignored the both of them as I headed towards my table.

I had no appetite to eat, I was stirring my mushroom soup the whole time until my brother yelled at my ear.

"What the fuck Cody?!" I pushed him away hardly, almost making him fall off his stool.

"Are you having PMS or something?" Tim asked. "No, shut the fuck up, my period's not here yet."

"I'm done, I'm having Gym next, don't wanna get appendicitis." I pushed away the mushroom soup and continued, "Whoever wants it, finish it."

I stood up and walked out of the cafeteria but before I could go any further, Sara was by my side. "Come on let's go to the washroom," she whispered by my ear. I nodded and we walked out of the cafeteria together. She knows.

The moment we stepped into the washroom, Sara quickly locked the door and I broke down immediately.

Never in my life someone stood up for me other than my brother. And all I did was told him that it wasn't right to hit someone. Not only that, he called me Queen Bee... Does he actually think that I was that typical high school bitch? Does he think that I was only using him or something? Fuck my life.

"Hush... It's alright, just let it out." Sara patted me. "I'm such an idiot, he punched that brat for me and all I said was he shouldn't hit him until like that, what the fuck was I thinking? Gosh, I'm so stupid!" I cried again.

"Cora?" Sara steadied me and forced me to look into her eyes. "What?" I sobbed.

"Are you falling for Shaun?"

Am I?

I don't know?

No way. I just met him less than a week. NO. That's my answer, no.

I shook my head and said, "I just feel really sorry and guilty, and that Stacey, God did you see her just now?" Sara nodded. Yeah, I guess the whole group, I mean everyone in the cafeteria saw what happened.

"Do you want to get out? I think the bell is going to ring any time now," Sara mentioned. I forced a smile and agreed with her idea.

I took a deep breath and cleaned up. I faked a smile and walked out of the washroom like nothing ever happened. My brother and Tim were standing a few feet away from the ladies' washroom and when I got out, the first thing I did was run to my brother. He held me tightly and gave me all the support I needed. I let him go and gave him a big smile. He then whispered to me, "We'll talk about it later alright? Just hold on, we're going home." He winked. That was lame but I laughed, it was the least I could do to let him know that I was okay.

After that, Tim came and gave me a small squeeze at the arm. "You okay?" I nodded and he held me tightly. "He's a jerk for talking to Jennings when he's in our group." I made no attempt to defend Shaun, instead, I agreed with Tim.

I could see Shaun eyeing us from far but I didn't care. Because why should I?

"Hey, we have gym now, can I walk you there?" Shaun was standing somewhere behind me. He's talking to me! A big smile spread across my face almost immediately. I turned back and just when I was about to throw my arms around him to apologize to him, only realizing he was actually talking to Stacey.

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