23 | perfect fit

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"Y-You guys are together?" I stuttered and Ava's brows rose. "Uh, yeah. It's been three years."

Always jumping into conclusions again huh, Cora?

"So sweetheart, you don't have to worry about Ava's hands around your man already." Brandon winked and slung his arm over my shoulders.

"Ha, yeah sure. But I still have to worry because single pricks like you can't get your hands off my girl." Shaun rolled his eyes and pulled me away from Brandon.

"Alright assholes, quit talking. Let's eat," Jared announced and everyone gathered around the table. I sat in between Brandon and Shaun. That psychotic bitch wanted to sit next to Shaun but her mother arrived and brought her back before she could even take a seat. This was all because Brandon called his mother and told her that his sister was disturbing their gathering.

I took a bite of the sausage and it was perfectly cooked. "Who cooked these? It's amazing." Everyone then turned their gaze to the boy next to me.

"Well, aren't I the luckiest girl in the world?"

"Well of course mi' lady, you have a boyfriend that can cook, that can play sports so damn well and has eight packs," Shaun bragged then he leaned closer to my ear and whispered, "And they're all yours." Sending my whole body shivers.

It was true that I had a perfect boyfriend but the only flaw he had was his past but like what they always say, nobody was perfect in this world.

"Alright, guys. Save the PDA in the room, I don't wanna dirty my innocent pair of eyes over here," Jared said as he covers his own eyes. "Your eyes are already dirtied when you started watching Porn Hub, bro," Vincent stated and everyone started laughing, leaving Jared blushing.


"It was a great time guys, I hope to see you all soon," I said to everyone. "C'mere beautiful!" Brandon opened his arms and I gave him a hug. Before I pulled away, he whispered something into my ear.

"Shaun might be a little stubborn but don't ever give up on him. If you can't handle him, just give Gale or me a call, we'll be there to help you. As a buddy, I don't wanna see him sad and miserable again. Promise me you won't ever give up on him?" I pulled away and nodded my head, promising Brandon before walking to Ava. I owed her an apology.

When I apologized to her for being a stubborn girl, she easily shrugged it off and we became friends. She also told me to come back soon with Shaun so we could hang out.

"You should come back soon, it's more fun with you around. Don't wanna just look at Dashing's face, it gets boring sometimes," Jared mentioned and I laughed.

"Fuck you, Jared," Shaun scowled. "I will try my best!" I got into the car and waved my last goodbye to them.

"Are we heading back now?" I asked Shaun but his eyes were on the road. "Yeah, after we get our stuff." I nodded and since we were alone right now, we didn't have to play the happy couple role anymore. I was still worried that the both of us weren't okay so I asked, "Are we okay?"

"I'm fine, don't worry." He must've misheard me.

"Shaun, I mean, are we okay?" He then lets go of one of his hands from the steering wheel then placed it above mine. "Were we never okay?"

A small smile appeared on my lips and finally I was able to lean back without a worry in my head. Then Tim popped up in my head. I should tell him that Shaun and I were okay already just in case he was worrying about us.

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